Call of Duty

Infinite Warfare – 5 Easy Tips, How To Get Better Aim & become an AIMBOT

Learn how to get better aim in Infinite Warfare with 5 easy tips. One of the biggest questions I see is how to get better aim in Call of Duty and I believe there’s something for everyone in this video that’s going to help you get the best accuracy possible to help you get more kills in Call of Duty!
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Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare is a first-person shooter video game developed by Infinity Ward and published by Activision. It is the thirteenth primary installment in the Call of Duty series which will include some awesome multiplayer gameplay!

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  1. It also helps practicing like he shows in the video, it helps me a lot.. I usually use a gun that has the nuclear variant on and that helped out a lot, I recently got my first nuke after having years of having cod iw

  2. I have the flatline and it's so good, the fire rate decreases but the range doesn't drop, so you could kill someone 3 shots any range. Got it out of a rare zombie supply drops. I've had the game since it dropped so I'm pretty good at it 🙂

  3. The "realistic" mode i do is: hardcore, tactical rules, cwl tuning, no perks, no scorestreaks, no payloads, infinate time and 200 points in frontline. I also set the bots to veteran or hard diffiulty

  4. I used to play halo a lot and love the battle rifle, coming into infinite warfare, the r3k for me is a high damage, highly accurate 3 round burst weapon similar to the battle rifle from halo allowing me to easily get many kills when my enemies come flooding in.

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