Call of Duty

Advanced Warfare – How to Get High Killstreaks (Call of Duty AW Scorestreak Tips)

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  1. about how you played with the goliath: PLAY DEFENSIVE NOT OFFENSIVE! if you do play offensive make sure you dont hold the minigun for too long or it will overheat/become inacurate, FIRE IN BURSTS/SINGLE SHOTS!
    if your playing defensive hold 1 or 2 point and make sure you are in a close quarters spot, if you dont you'l either get rekt by the em1 or shield, and when you play defensive: DONT GO ALONE, its not like you are here to be alone, you are the one killing and you're team is the one capping: BE SUPPORTIVE dont go aggressive if you wanna keep your suit. thats all have fun!

  2. Try the Vulcan and add another strike, make it bigger, more time. Trust me. It's 950 but in an open map you'll get 5-7 kills each time. It's nasty. Assault drone with rockets and hud will kill 7-9 . I called 12 in last prestige and got the card for 100 kills…good deal for less than 1K score streak

  3. Also the disadventage of he goliath is that everyone sees you on the mini map so if you got it. Most players only have max 2 minutes and then they die

  4. Tip: (if your struggling with highstreaks) run UAV, orbital care package, and a high streak (let's say paladin). If you want a free paladin play on domination.
    If you have good teammates you will be able to get 2 flags. That's already a UAV which will give you enough assist to boost up to let's say 700 points if you get a flag or something good in you care package it will easily advance to 950 points. That's enough to get your paladin. I don't put attachments in my streaks. You will run across a few kills which will boost you up even more. I don't this I use either a bal (regular variant) kf5 (breakneck. Really good gun) and asm1 strider. I get kills easily. I only played the game three days straight and I already have the paladin emblem (100 kills with it) don't use Goliath or war bird!! With q Goliath people run at you because they're not scared. You can use a warbird but I honestly think it a bad streak. Hope you found this useful.

  5. I have a score streak setup that is insanely good. It can turn a bad game into a good game and a good game into a great game. Keep in mind that this setup is specifically for domination, but can work for other modes. Hope it helps!

    Uav – Support, Tracking, Jammer

    Care Package – Support, Better Odds, Hidden

    Bombing Run – Stealth

    Assault Drone – Rockets, Augmented Reality Heads Up Display

    The Uav and Care Package are to help you earn your streaks and the bombing run and Assault Drone are to rack up as many kills as possible. Using this set up it is easy to get 50+ kill games. I once got so many streaks stacked on top of the next that I wasn't able to use my gun for the entire second half of the game.

  6. Sorry TmarTn but ur wrong on boost happy. I've gotten 30, 20 , and 18 kills each game and rarely less than 18. And I Exo jump,slide and doge all the time all it really does is make u harder to kill and to keep track of. Also if u have a very accurate gun and have at least higher than 8 sensivety u will become a unstoppable killing machine.

  7. When I first got the super serum score streak, I went to a corner, used it and thought I had wasted it when you splatter yourself in it, only to then realise I wasn't getting killed much with it 😂

  8. I play a lot of Hard point. This makes achieving scorestreaks easier than most other game modes. I use remote turret with sentry, 360 turret head and heavy resistance. I then use assault drone. Yes you heard me right. Paladins and warbirds can't kill inside buildings in most cases. Whereas my AD can just fly in shoot rockets and I normally get like 10-20 kills with it most of the time. It is awesome.

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