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Why I Quit MOP Remix.. WoW Classic Player Perspective | World of Warcraft

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  1. Yeah agree mop remix is a catering for a small community of people who want to play MoP. They should come up with some better plans rather than just copying pasting content and hoping for the best.

  2. The real purpose of Remix, that has to be read between the lines, is to build the War Band. You're not wrong though, it'd be nice to get instant access once you hit level 70.

  3. To be honest, this is the stuff blizzard needs to read and they honestly need to hire DIFFERENT people than their current retail teams for classic. Retail is fine for people that want to play it, but at the end of the day there are people that enjoy Classic for the reasons classic, tbc and wrath were good – and who don't play some of the later expansions because of the gameplay design decisions that differentiated those games from classic, tbc and wrath – the later expansions were made by effectively a completely different team with different ideas of what wow should be. the designers they need on classic versions should be being made by people who DON'T necessarily agree with the design decisions being made in retail wow. I will say, that sod isn't a horrible take on classic. The work they're doing there is a step in the right direction – and people play it. But it isn't classic+. While if you ask players what the idea of Classic+ means to them, you'll undoubtedly get a different answer for every person you ask – but i'm sure some of the core ideas of what it means to them will overlap in those venn diagrams of ideas – people want New dungeons, new raids, new zones, but in the style and feel of classic/vanilla for a vanilla Classic+. Not just another talent system layered over top of classic. Project Epoch shows it can be done without a massive team and tons of money. This isn't negging on what blizzard does for the sake of negging on blizzard – it's simply recognizing that different games made by different people with different design goals in mind end up playing and feeling very differently – and it would be awesome if blizzard realized how huge and viable (businesswise) the classic playerbase is – to the point where they should make content for them. Even if that means more stuff only like SOD, we will take it – but more actually NEW "legacy-style" Raid and dungeon content will get more people playing it and as a result more subs.

  4. I pumped on a Orc Hunter to 38 ignoring gear upgrades etc but its like… why should i torture myself to do MOP raids when in 1 year time Cata will be over and progress to MOP

  5. Got to lvl 21, and no desire to log back on.. At least SoD did it better with runes/sockets that altered the class(at least for p1 SoD).. In MoP remix, its just ascension with boring sockets/runes that just deal dmg or shield/heal you. Also thought it was a seperate gamemode, but its really just leveling a char in pandaria for War Within.

    At least we got Cata on monday

  6. What turns me off is the non stop consistent of stuff filling up my bags. Having to stop to either salvage it or put in the sockets. The best advice I can give for anyone reading this? Unless you are into collecting mounts and/or transmog then yeah, Probably not gonna enjoy it. LOL

  7. Happy they are trying stuff like this, I think if the fat were rendered a bit we could get a lot out of timerunning events. There's so much amazing content in WoW's history.

    I think a lot of the problem with Blizzard games is that they have opened to community feedback to an extent that everyone feels the need to become a game journalist and rant about it on YT/Disc/Reddit/Twitter rather than just playing the game. It's like the WoW meta game is trying to bitch loudly enough that the Devs change what you complained about.

    Another pitfall is that we've got so many different versions people are subject to point out "why doesn't new game mode have X or Y from other game mode"

  8. i thought mop was better and cata but they said you will be even more overpowered and levelling even faster. i think one of the worst things in mop was how overpowered your characters were after the first patch. it got so bad players could solo dungeons and raids it was really unbalanced . i guess there are some players that just want to run around with invincibly but i am not sure what the appeal is to players who like classic wow

  9. Idk, seems low effort. Yeah, I don't like that you can't transfer whenever. In fact I don't like that they keep making these low effort game modes on a regular basis now. Wish they'd rather put more effort into improving already existing versions of the game. SoD and Cata still have plenty of bugs, not to mention.. SoD could have been a lot better. But I guess this model for them makes them more money, or helps keep WoW relevant on Twitch or something..

  10. I also trying retail but i complety not enjoyed it:( i have character from vanilla back then rank14 title and s1-s3 glad Tbc . For me is no wow anymore lvling is really bored game have milion mounts looks like anime dragons… Animals i totally dont care still use Zulian Tiger and Nether drake. Also this new animations, models for me is disaster. For example in Classic you need do poison quest later creating them. Blinding powder, now everything gone. I know tiktok era humans dont like things like this so i lost Hope for any good MMO in future and retail wow is not for me. I think nowadays its really hard to create MMO who achieves success in the long term

  11. It's mind-numbingly boring. I'm level 22 and literally forcing myself to stay awake while playing. Idk if I'll make it to max. I thought I'd enjoy the gimmicks but they just feel lame and… gimmicky. A tiny bit more X that you have to manually swap onto your gear (with gems) every ten minutes is just a chore that doesn't feel good. And I totally agree about other class talents, at first I was like ooh this is cool but almost immediately stopped caring. The whole thing honestly feels low effort. And why couldn't they have unlocked unrated bgs or even war mode? The only way the random power boosts could even be fun for me would be trying to find the best build to win against players. Do I have to stress that that mode would be completely OPTIONAL. Pressing the same buttons over and over in the same order to kill mobs is the most boring shit ever.

  12. Even in the Cata pre-patch, I remember viscerally why I originally quit WOW back then. It's just a completely different game than the vanilla era. The slower pace, mobs can kill you in the early levels, the world, the adventure, the first three classic era releases are where it's at. Cata is good in a lot of ways, but it just degenerates into Retail era, which is completely different.


  13. I just got back after a couple of years break, and I don’t know if I can continue to play retail/classic.
    The whole experience is horrible.

    I lost some motivation to play classic after nostalrius went down, as I had put so much time and effort into my character there.
    But I did play classic a bit casually, and it was okay. Not as good as nost, but okay.
    But then they kept rolling out expansions way too quick, and the servers died off quickly. I think they should have at least end doubles the time between expansions. Most people who wanted classic are adults with busy lives now.
    And now it’s already at cata… no one wanted that. TBC great. Some might enjoy wrath, but people hated cata.
    So, I have no way to catching up now if I want to enjoy the game and have a life outside.

    And then there is retail. I feel like an old person trying to figure out a computer. I don’t understand anything, and everytime I understand something, it’s a disappointment.
    It’s terrible.

    At this point, a packed vanilla only server would be perfect. Just make it overcrowded. It would be perfect. So we never have to touch any other part of the game.
    And stretch out events and stuff so that people get the chance to do it.

  14. So it's essentially a time walking event split into a separate game mode for mount/mog collectors and they also just sprinkled some Project Ascension lite on top for whatever reason. I know we are trying to be positive these days Alex but if this is the route Blizzard are going down, the player base should be worried. Still watching you though brother, hyped for Cata!

  15. MoP remix is not for building and progressing a character by any means. It's not even for players who have nostalgia for MoP because the gameplay experience is totally different as it was back then. It's for completionist and speedrunning andies, oh and streamers ofc!

  16. It's a fair stance. it's regionlocked retail wow similar to osrs leagues but done a bit worse. No rewards or promise of keeping a character either feels pretty bad as well. Hope blizz keeps trying new stuff anyway.

  17. Overall I thought MOP remix got boring and stale very fast. I have no desire to level 1-70 in just one continent, and not be able to transfer my character to do mythic+ in dragonflight. It's a cool little event but not much more than that. If you want to get your fix of pandaland I guess it might be a good idea, but you might get very bored fast like I did, I am glad they are trying new things like this though

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