Beautiful Locations in World of Warcraft Bonus Montage

There were some requests for a video of just the zones featured in the other two videos without commentary. Here are some of my favorite places in WoW!
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Video and Graphics Editor: JugsLinterfins

Beautiful Places in World of Warcraft #1:
Beautiful Places in World of Warcraft #2:

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Music is all from the World of Warcraft Soundtrack.

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  1. This actually reminds me of the times i've played this game a few years ago.. It gave me goosebumps and actually a really weird feeling to it aswell as i really find myself too old to start playing this game again. Such good memories man.. I just don't have the time to play anymore. What nostalgia can do to you..

  2. Tbh with you guys, I'm glad swifty stopped the rating push in wow and switch to comedy so we had the chance to fall in love with his personality and passion. Since now wow is dead people including myself watch swifty for swifty and not the game he plays unlike those try hards who sadly get no views

  3. Kind of noticed that there were no places from Draenor. It's such a sign that WoD left such a bad taste in peoples mind that the zones will always be associated with shit.Witch is a darn shame because the zones themselves look absolutely gorgeous with the improved draw-distance in Legion. Riding into Spires of Arak the first time was just epic. Seeing Highmaul in the distance in WoD Nagrand. The absolutely deformed horizon of Frostfire Ridge. And the music is absolutely beautiful.

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