Welcome back to another Call of Duty: Vanguard Best Tips & Tricks Video! In this COD Vanguard Tips episode we’ll be talking about how to Raise your KD, stay alive longer, move like a pro, stop camping, die much less and overall get way more kills in Vanguard Multiplayer! I hope you guys can make your gameplay better by following these tips and hopefully raise your KD Easy and Fast!
Can we get 2000 Likes on this COD Vanguard video?! I hope you guys enjoy the Call of Duty Multiplayer Gameplay!
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► Equipment I use:
– Thumbsticks – *USE CODE “ITSNICK” FOR 10% OFF!* https://goo.gl/f9vF6h
– Headset – https://goo.gl/YbCKov
– Controller – https://goo.gl/Xsg3vM
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Comment “iDoNick” to prove you read the description :D!
Kd 1.17
Haven't been in that map yet lol
1.1 k/d
This is good practical advice 🤟
Started at 1.1 but climbed to 1.39 now and getting better but hard with SBMM.
Just got the kd to a 2.29 grinding to that 2.50 marker
4.63kd I’m just watching to get details on the game
2.12 rn trying to get 3.00 and i'm at 380 games played
It's overpowered!! Lol
1.60 but I really suck🥲
1.26… very average
i’m kd like 2.4 2.5 i’m just watching
Trying my best to adapt these settings to sniping but sniping is ass but can’t break the 5 year tradition of mainly just sniping
Catching up lost count
Im a cod hitter. At break I'll have a double before you blinked. Insidious Will
My K/D is 0.96 but I want to get good so it's not hard for me to get the more difficult camos
0.52 in Team DeathMatch, yeah you read that right. No where to go but up from here.
Man, COD is dead, After a week only 4K views on a 600k Channel.
Well, i love Vanguard anyways 🤷🏻♂️
I have a 2+ kd on all cods but this one. 1.2kd
My k/d is .66
Ever since I started using your tips I have seen my gameplay improve so much. Keep up the good content!
They truly gotta get rid of SBMM. Just make it completely random. It’s not fun when you do good then get clapped as a reward next game
1.12 ahahahahahahahahah
hey man, im a .67 this is the first cod ive played since mw2 when i was a 1.48