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How To Level FAST In WoW REMIX: Mists Of Pandaria! Catch-Up Alts Ahead Of The War Within Expansion!

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  1. Heres the secret: play

    Thats it. Leveling is fuckpants easy in Remix, guides for this are like instructions on how to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

  2. This event has made me lose so much respect for so many content creators. They are wrong and feed us Blizz BS so much. I have been no lifing the thing, but you just need to play a bit to see how wrong so much of this info is.

  3. Honestly? This event had everything to be interesting, but Blizzard, as always, managed to ruin it. I'm just playing to get some transmogs and mounts, after that, I'm saying goodbye to this boring and tedious remix.

  4. Feel slow and just like a typical level grind, missing all the craziest OPness that was advertised, not really having fun mostly get bored and switch back to playing FF14. *shrugs

  5. Just hit 70 and the scaling is fucked. The grind for bronze is to much. Your gonna have to put 300+ efficient hours in just to get the mounts. I ended up with around 45k bronze doing quests to 70. You need 400-700k for the mounts. The cloak isnt account wide like was advertised. They dropped the ball. Typical blizzard killing fun.

  6. I know raids arnt everyones cup of tea but it is a shame they went so heavy on the exp nerfs for leveling in raids. Would have been a different way to level up at least. And from the sounds of it its not even much faster to level alts anyway. They had to nerf it it to keep buying level up boosts an option of course

  7. My only ask: Unlock all the allied races for the event. It is a limited time and they are unlocked in WoWWW anyways. It was my main motivation for trying it out but they are still locked if you didn't play BFA.

  8. I haven't played retail since… After the first phase of BfA I believe? Wen Classic launched I had no desire to play retail anymore, but this MoP Remix is a lot of fun. Don't feel like rushing, just like to discover the old expansion again. Having a blast so far!

  9. Just for anyone not yet aware: the cloak is no longer account wide.
    The achievement bonus is what your alts share and that is a max of 100% xp bonus and some flat stats (150 stamina and 100 main stat) at rank 12 for collecting 4200 threads.
    Not 100% of what your main cloak has. Just 100% bonus xp.
    And thats a fix cap. Anything else your char has do do individually. If you want to have 300% on all your alts to level (aka what they advertised), well you gotta push them all through raids from 100-300 yourself. individually.
    disappointed? yes, we all are. make your voice heard or blizz wont do anything.

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