Journey To The Island Of WILD DINOSAURS | World of Warcraft – Mists of Pandaria REMIX

Begin your own journey into Pandaria with World of Warcraft – Mists of Pandaria Remix by checking out this link – Get more out of your World of Warcraft subscription than ever before!

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  1. Absolutely loved this! Would have never checked out WoW if it weren't for this video, but now I'm thinking about giving it a looksee! Really love seeing more varied content, man! Keep it up, and keep up those sponsors!!

  2. I loved WoW and dinosaurs growing up so the Land of Giants was always a place I wanted to go to back in the day. Could never find it because I was so young and didn't have the commitment for it though lol

    Might have to give it another shot some time soon, nice to see this game on your channel, especially in sponsorship form (definitely helps to fund Bite Force) lol, considering it's been a few years since I heard you bring up WoW.

  3. Oh Wowsers! Did not expect this, absolutely amazing (and rocking a gnome hunter no less)

    Edit: also you can tame all those Dino’s at level 45 if you have the time of dinomancy for direhorns and BM for the devilsaurs and pterrordaxes

  4. This was definitely an unexpected, yet pleasant, surprise to see in my sub feed!
    I've been playing the event since day 1, while there are definitely some scaling issues at certain levels, this is some of the most fun in WoW I've had in years. Lots of nostalgia for this expansion, coupled with being able to hop into the raids early is just amazing!

  5. I remember playing WoW with my babysitter when I was like 6 or 7 and it was genuinely what got me into gaming. We use to main druid and hunter cause I just loved their abilities.

    Would love to see you play some WoW on Vagrant since I haven’t been able to find any real YouTubers or streamers that play it that I can get into!

  6. Not a game i have ever or will ever play but i still enjoyed the advertisement and watching you play a little. I would not be opposed or put off if you do more advertisements for other things you genuinely like going forward!

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