I almost feel bad writing this up because at the end of the day, World of Warcraft was such a large part of my life. And discussing what the game has become – in my eyes – feels like a personal attack on that part of my life. Maybe I just outgrew World of Warcraft. But it’s just.. not what it was. It’s changed. And not for the better.
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I almost feel bad writing this up because at the end of the day, World of Warcraft was such a large part of my life. And discussing what the game has become – in my eyes – feels like a personal attack on that part of my life. Maybe I just outgrew World of Warcraft. But it's just.. not what it was. It's changed. And not for the better.
my first problem is the monthly fee. Im tired of feeling the need of playing because i just paid and not because i want to or enjoy the game. Second of all: i don't know if it's me or what but im not feeling the game anymore sice BFA
Im not playing because theres no point in playing a game where you get pushed to the latest patch even when you literally do nothing.
The first time I booted up WoW, I ran it at 15 FPS during the MOP era. Grabbing my first green item was so cool, then finding out there were, rare, epic and even legendary items shattered my mind. I played a rogue, and had so much fun because it felt challenging. The exploration, the fact that everything I picked up felt important, every quest low level felt fun, experimenting with abilities, getting my first strider mount, the roleplay community and aspect, the lack of a massive filter and normal players, it was… Beautiful. Listening to the LOTR soundtrack (Breaking of the Fellowship track) while exploring the Belf starting zone, I yearn for those days. Now it feels… Corporate. It's overly complex, it's too busy looking. It doesn't feel like world of warcraft. I liked fighting pirates and orcs and dwarves, there was something for everyone. Now it feels like a solo game ft. Multiplayer.
If I had played FF37 as long as WOW it would be the same except no bunny eared skirt wearing wide eyed…
I gave up during BfA.

at the end of Legion we killed off a titan, in BfA a guy told me to take care of his bees!
c'mon, 3 weeks before I could sink the whole island with just an arrow, I traveled space and dimensions and now …. the bees????
I simply gave up
It started to suck after TBC because they made everything easy mode to lure in the children.
World of Warcraft isn't a game anymore. It is a tool for the Left for Division Politics to force an election. Freaks. No one wants any of that.
I stopped playing around Wrath of the Lich King, I noticed the blemishes showing on WoW's design and quit.
The game started to go down the path it's on today, didn't like it so left.
I would love to see a WoW2 it would give them a chance to re-vamp the game Graphicly and mechanically. i loved WoW and i played it hard until end of MoP now i just pop back every now and then but hardly full time.
I know where you come from, but I had it a little easier in the US. Back in the 1950's My mother was raising 4 children with no guarantee of keeping warm and eating every day. There was a government surplus food program, and a little help from welfare.
I wish there would be A world of Warcraft that was not MMO (Massive multiplayer Online).
Given the fact that Gaming Inc. is a shallow corporation , I dont see that ever happening.
MMO games are vulnerable to hacking which is why Gaming Inc prefers this method of video game.
RIP gaming fans
I got into the game real late, like March 2019. Played a tiny bit of a private server and free trial first maybe after cata, but yeah BFA was my first experience. I loved classic launch in August 2019, it was great, I wouldve enjoyed it a lot back then, but my first mmos were ragnarok online and lunia both in 2008.. lunia became so much of my life that its kind of a reason I dropped out of middle school, and I was in a boss fight when I found out my dad passed away..
he was my best friend and I wish I spent more time with him than these games but I'm not sure why I never got him to try that or any mmo.
But yeah, very glad lunia is finally returning this year, it's been dead over 7 years and it's been dreadful. I've never heard you speak on either of these two in your mmo account, even though lunia to me is like one of the greatest games of all time, it's underrated, WoW would've been nice to try but oh well I couldn't, I was too poor for a subscription and I'm not sure why I never got around to it
WoW was a big part of my life since 18. I started right after BWL was added, and I was loyal until..Wrath. At that point, they started taking the graphics in a direction I didn't like. Beautiful concepts, gorgeous design, but the shading started looking muddled to me. It was becoming their style. They'd make badass outfits, but the colors didn't pop any more. Details muddled. That was the start of my dislike for WoW, the textures added to models. I KNOW! It's preference. I really don't see people complain about this, maybe it's just me. The thing is.. I appreciate lower poly models if the texture is on par. They started valuing higher poly models.. with less in the texture. Some people love it. I don't.
Then.. then they started making it feel less like a world experience, more like daily chores. Less like a team game, more like world of solo grind. Less community, more casual. THAT is something a lot more games cater to now, it's not just them. It's harder to find game communities now that rally behind one game, especially newer ones, because they're not designed for those people. They're designed around never running into players you just played with again. They're designed to get you in games quickly, but sacrifice the community that come together to make that happen. It's a lot harder to find a community based around a game, it's usually a community based around a personality now. I miss communities with personalities lol
Nail on the head was classic wow for me. Wasn't even the game itself, the community had changed. It just wasn't for me anymore.
FFXIV meets my mmo needs now. Story's good, community has a good split between based around game and based around personalities, and the people just.. it feels more like vanilla WoW did. The only thing I really kinda miss is world pvp but to be honest I'm older, wiser, and I really don't want to be malicious like I used to. If I want to pvp, I'll go play battlefield 4
the beginning of this story is exactly the same as mine <3, honestly was not expecting much when i clicked but thanks for this video
When 10.0 hits: 'Why I returned to WoW' like everybody Else.
Played from beta til BC and i understand how you feel.
Used to love the game, the story/lore and exploring the world.
Leveling to 60 back then was a fun journey too.
But yeah, i eventually felt like the game was a second job lol.
So when BC came out it was like a reset button and the perfect time to move on for me.
wow sucks.
your right the develpers they have now only care about just making money and not good game content or story base they suck so bad they really have no clue as to make anything good for playing i had quit playing just before shadowlands never paid for that last exspantion and not going to! they need to stop putting grinding repetitave trash in the game as well like grinding for some trash just to buy a faction mount or some other junk thats not even worth our time doing with trash content!
most people who left the game did so because they grew up and either moved on or tastes changed.
What does Blizzard say about the decline of WoW? Do they recognise the majority of peoples opinion?
Lost sight of there vision, got to big for there own good, rather then innovating they sat on there egg until it spoiled, rather then nurturing it and listening to the egg.
This is exactly the reason I cancelled my sub. Raiding was so easy this expac, M+ is boring after a few runs. PVP is shit because it's pay to win.
Thanks for sharing this video.
Good summary.
I can't argue your points, nor would I want to. Your criticism's are are justified and warranted.
And given the history of this game, I find it sad that I share most of your reasons. my sub was canceled after 9.1 along the same lines
Isn't the lore "the world itself"? I guess I could never get into WoW the way I got into FFXIV (well, post ARR – 1.0 had no staying power for me in any category, really)
That's actually one of my biggest turn-off's regarding WoW, is the fact that the MAJORITY of the player base has no idea about the plot. They might know the primary good guys and bad guys, but talking to people I realized …"they don't actually care that much about the game world itself" – for me, I guess that was a huge bar – a high hurdle that kept me from actually staying with it for that long. Some of the gameplay was pretty good, I will admit. I wasn't a HUGE fan of the art style, but there was good to be had there, and it was unique, in the same way Warcraft 1-3 were. (obviously) …but things didn't seem that fleshed out, and from what storyline I DID read when I was playing – the plots almost always boiled down to "__ is trying to wipe out ____, we have to defeat ____, their leader/general/etc" and it seldom deviated. It'd be like if FFXIV's only real plot point was "Garlemald wants to take Eorzea and kill all the races that live there" – which would be …dull on it's own, at least.
Well, I do know the lore in general despite never sticking with WoW, because I was a big fan of earlier warcraft and so I got caught up on the lore (from youtube videos) – there was always a part of me that wished I could garner more interest in the world, when the game was really popular, but I just never did. It's too bad – I doubt anything Blizzard can do with the game now would manage to get me interested, though… as unlikely as it is that they'll be able to resurrect it after all this.
Takes 4weeks for a simple respec to be kinda up to date if u play 8hours+ per day… fk this. Worst expac ever.
I really would like to try WoW. But it needs a console version…
…. WoW Not Appealing here in PH; only hardcore fan of Warcraft play these game when the time it's releases here. It's just Gamers prefer Dota, Counter Strike and other Anime MMO aside Flyff and RO.
the cycle continues until the game is dead, hell the jarring changes from t6 to t7 made me quit originally. The game has changed/removed content so many times it may as well be several different games, compare this to other games that just tweak/add content and it was inevitable.
15 at 20 minute to find one random pvp BG ! When in the private server od wargammer online . You wait like 5 minutes … wow pvp is dead and about pve we have ff14 now and lost ark soon so…
i hear you. after spending 8 years in retail, i went back to classic. haven't been this happy in years =D
I started in wrath too man, classic wotlk is coming. The good ol days will be back!