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What did you think of the Interview?
There is nothing wrong with calling it sky riding.
It's not an "awful" or "lame" name.
Skyriding is such a stupid name. 😂
Morgan Day and his evil brother Morgan Night
I'm dreading the next XP. Anything that feels like underground is a big no no.
Do you know if progress on deleted but restorable characters will be added to achieve progress?
So the best thing about retail are the game modes that aren't retail… Sounds about right for the current state of the game.
Funny how none of these interviews involve questions regarding issues players have had and what Blizzard is going to do about them. Like Blizzard's straight up lie about applying a fix for affected players that were negatively impacted by the crest exchange vendor. They did nothing and have remained silent on it.
Not one question about cross faction groups in the open world and queues? Thats been like a universal want from the community since CF guilds were introduced.
Id love to see time rifts expanded, was a great feature and could used in connection with the bronze dragonflight going forward as thats whats seemingly is being hinted with mop remix etc
It would be awesome if blizzard could be working towards making classes less complex for new and returning players, we just want to enjoy the game in an intrinsic way.
Honestly "dynamic flight" is a better name than "skyriding." I don't know why they felt the need to change it.
is he saying skywriting? or skyriding? cuz id foresee skywriting going very, very, very, very, very, very (this is not copy and paste), very, VERY, badly.
I could listen to Morgan talk about WoW all day. I'm going to be real sad when he retires.
I realy want to know how the quest log works in tWW warbands; like, it woudl be awesome to have 'one log' for the account, and as you swap between alts you just keep carrying on. My worry is that completion is account wide, but the log isn't.. so if you're doing like 10 quests on a toon, and are half way through some chains, and swap toons just for fun.. you won't have any idea where you need to go.
Oh god your mic quality lmao
Hey guess what. The war within is gonna blow just like dragon land.
he sounds and looks very familiar has he had some fuckin obnoxious takes before?
Wow is in such a good place right now. I can only speak for myself and my enjoyment, but I am having the most fun I have had in years right now.
I hope to see a BfA remix down the line as there were many cool mounts I'd love to see get a recolor or two. Imagine Bronze (or bronze farm equivalent) in Horrific Visions! I loved those so much!
Maybe an even wilder take on corrupted gear?
Day 1 of asking you to make a video about the fact that shamans need a rework but haven't got one
Should of asked what they plan to do to the people who got screwed out of remix because of the frog nerf..
Good job. Always good to hear from Morgan. But does he really think many people enjoyed plunderstorm?!?
I will never call it sky riding…
Great interview and I'm excited about TWW. If the devs are reading this, i'm hoping that you explore non-combat mechanics that make use of class abilities for delves/world content. Soup/Dig/Siege/Bloom events are good, but they are all mostly clicking things on the ground, standing on the right spot, then kill some mobs (just different themes). I wish we can use typhoon, or leap of faith, or other loss of control/displacement spells and abilities to manage the mechanics of such events. Or use DoTs to keep a wheel turning, or heals to make something bigger, etc.