7 Scariest Things In World of Warcraft

There are many things in WoW from Classic to the most recent expansion that are quite creepy. In this video I go over 7 scary things found in the game!

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  1. 2:20 I remember killing one of them the first time I saw them. As a hunter I kited one of these things for an hour or so. Sadly it didn't drop anything special.

  2. 8:28 Min.: Its still possible XD You can abuse a thing like alt f4 and a realy big mount. If you be intersted how this works you can saw it by a german ytber that i watch. He shows it in his videos "Brostudios" is his Name. ^^

  3. I have Thalassophobia so Vash'jir was quite a trip. The edges of the zone or even just the thin, deep trenches delineating the subzones would have my heart beating out of my chest. Even just the whale shark, despite being an pretty peaceful mob, freaked me the hell out as I swam up to it and it just kept giving bigger and bigger.
    Fel Reavers were definitely scarier on the metric of being a giant wandering mob who directly posed a threat to the player.

  4. I randomly found the unseen when i was first playing as a warlock.
    The only thing they are good for is to farm soul shards at level 60.

  5. Upside down sinners is a reference to my favorite movie of all time: Big Trouble in Little China. The protagonists get into an elevator which fills with water and when they swim out of the elevator, there's hooks and chains and people hung upside down. It is explained that this is the hell of the upside down sinners. This movie is also referenced by the 6 Demon Bag item (a relic held by the protagonist Egg Shen from the movie).

  6. I really, really, really hate Blizzard for making Whale Sharks in WoW.
    I cannot tell you how many recurring nightmares I've had from the first and only time I levelled in Vashj'ir.
    Literally for years. Fuck Blizzard.

  7. Vashijr wasn't that bad. I mean they even gave you a zone specific underwater mount. I liked that it was something entirely new. And as a Druid it was even more fun.

  8. Back when u could chain cast Far Sight … or the Hunter equivelant, you could cast it in the corner just past the gate and keep casting and exploring the zone under Kara.

  9. I remember kiting a Fel Reaver into Shattrath. It absolutely leveled the entire city. They eventually got tethered to Hellfire Penninsula after too many people were doing this.

  10. Top 1 scariest thing in this game is healer who thinks he can dps while healing, Top 2, drunker russian, Top 3, angry teenagers thinking that can use vulgar language without any consequences, and be toxic dic in general… But those are few bad things, and game offers thousends good things for which i love it.

  11. Ermmmmm what about the boss in Naxx who was made of people??? And you hear the screams of men and women when you are in the boss room??? Seriously.

  12. Vash'jir was amazing, the music great and I adored how open it was. The seahorse was easy to deal with and you were able to get around fast. People are just whiners. I loved how eerie it was, and going inside the giant ancient clam monsters was unsettling. Was so awesome!

  13. I quite enjoyed vash'ir underwater zone. first you get a speed buff when walkilng on the seabed so try kissing the seabed as often as you can for that speed buff, second, you get the fast underwater mount so I don't know what people smoke to trash the zone and questing there so much.

  14. In Karazahn can you outside under the Castle find a funny easter eg. A large smiling smile on the ground 🙂 But to find the small hole to get there is not so easy^^

  15. You can get into kara crypts in retail right now. I just did it last night. You just have to die up against the gate. The first gate is open and you die by the second one. When you come back to rez near your body, you just rez at max distance behind the wooden barrier. EZ

  16. I loved vashjir and 1v1'd the whale shark one time… no loot was disappointing. T_T

    Also those upside down sinners are straight out of one of my favorite movies of all time, Big Trouble In Little China. 😛 Had no idea that was in there.

  17. on Upside down sinners, Blizz later made ghosts not able to pass through the gate, but you could duel a warlock in that stairwell and it was possible to glitch through the gate while being feared. I wish this video would have shown the old Stratholme glitch, or the Hidden rock room in Org glitch.

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