Can we SMASH 2000 Likes on this COD Vanguard Tips to Raise KD and get more Kills video? I hope you guys enjoy the Call of Duty Vanguard Multiplayer Gameplay!
Can we get 2000 Likes on this Black Ops Cold War video?! I hope you guys enjoy the Call of Duty Multiplayer Gameplay!
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WHAT'S YOUR KD IN THIS GAME!? Damn this ones tought fr though
1 tip to never die in cod games , snif coke !
My kid is 1.34 and I’m 12 years old
My kid is 1.34 and I’m 12 years old
My kill count is average about 30 -80 kills per game but getting out drawn alot I get the first shot but still get killed I don't like lmgs I'm a SMG lova. You make the ita burst look awesome gonna try that too#stillhere
You give bad tips
I’m at 2.9.
Still here!
#still here
#stillhear bruh I saved this
Idc how many times I die REVENGE IS WORTH IT.
Still here
I'm terrified to check my KD. #StillHere
People use aim assist
1.22 Spirit-Detective
I feel like everyone on these videos take damage way better than me i cant even lift my gun half the time of i do i get killed with 2 shots across thw map
When I seen this last month I was at a 0.89, a couple weeks later, I’m at 1.32, great vid man!
My k/d is trash but it's because I…
1. Only quickscope even though I suck at it
2. Have terrible internet
Thumbs up bro I just was untouchable you are great man facts
0.38 KD in Vanguard multiplayer. Just started playing MW in May and my KD on there was 0.25. I'm what you would call an older player.
Great advice dude.
# still here 1.33
My biggest issue is not knowing where the enemies are. I just get blasted before I even see them.
Still here
Catching up 8
My KD is 2.56
So sick of YouTubers making 1 minute life wasting intros. Absolutely retarded. This video doesn't start until 1:06. Please, the title is more than enough to let us know what the video is about. You literally told us what the video was going to be about like 3 times with random stupid intros over and over and over. The video should just START INSTANTLY by saying, "Tip number 1: change your sensitivity so your can turn on people" and then carry on with the video.
1.05 is my kf
# still here
2:00 Laughs in adaptive triggers
Peasants…… I’m about 8 er
Lying 🤥 but I feel like most of the comments so far. If a lot more of the community wasn’t such tri hards and weren’t trying to one up the next man or woman by not being a teammate
Why do people stress over KD? Mine was like 1:1 last time I checked and I have a blast.
.9 was a .6 haven’t blamed since black ops 3 so I was quite rusty.
My k/d is .66
1.42 with over 5 days of boots on the ground time
This game is ass bro. Only reason you play it is because it’s your only source of content. Please expose this game for being ass so we can all move on and find a new game that’s actually worth the Time and money.