World of Warcraft: Legion Review

World of Warcraft: Legion is the 6th expansion to Blizzard’s epic world and with it they’ve again proven they can craft a state of the art MMO experience.

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  1. eh i wouldnt say dungeons are that difficult. maybe mythic + but that is just a dps race anyways . who ever has the best AOE. theres no careful planning pre pull CC.

  2. 7.0 has more content than the entirety of WoD and they already announced 7.1 with a revamped Karazhan mega dungeon and a new mid tier raid before Nighthold in jan 2017.

  3. i bought it, played for about a month but i've moved onto other games, namely destiny: rise of iron. with that said, i can confirm that this expac is well made and a breath of fresh air for people who still enjoy wow at its core. im glad to see wow doing well, as it is a game that i have loved for so long. with that said, if they did a WoW 2, i would probably be more excited

  4. Quests are still the same, outdated, and repetitive. There are too many quests in each zone, as usual, many of them tend to be boring chores which you've seen and done time and time again errywhere in ze game – such as kill this / fetch this – and more filler. They just need to have way fewer quests in each zone and have them reward you with more XP.

  5. Of course a casual clicker will give the expansion a good review, this is an mmo not a fucking single player rpg, lore is not what keeps the players in WoW…
    He doesn't even address PvP, which was the sole reason why the majority of the playerbase left WoW in the first place.

  6. dungeons are so difficult now… some classes can solo normal mythics.
    the game is just as easy if not easier than other expansions. you don't need coordination either. i dunno what kind of crack you guys are smoking over there at gamespot.

  7. Your last 3 reviews were from freelancers.
    Do you even have reviewers left on this "gaming" site anymore?
    How are we to trust the word of freelancers instead of people we already know (kind of) through Gamespot?

  8. Leveling from 1-110 might sound daunting, but's it's definetly not a chore.
    people like to restrict them selves, when you're leveling i emplore you to try everything.
    do dungeons, PVP, quest as well, explore, entrench your self in the fantacy of your class/race, you're lvl 70? and want to do black temple for some cool dagger xmogs for your rogue? do it, take a mate or a guildy.

    previous to legion, i would have said differently, but there's definetly never been a better time to play wow.

  9. I always trust in your reviews and judging panel, WoW i always adore the game and i can tell that this is the best review for Legion so far, well done gamespot ❤❤❤

  10. Surprisingly good, if you feel its worth the cash then you play. If not then you don't. This isn't like an EA game where you're funding bad business practice if you take part in purchasing, purchasing WoW's sub and expansion is fuelling a large world and lore for the developers to expand upon, no cheap thrills and dollar bills here. Alot of people dislike the game at this point for good reason. Those who still enjoy will continue to. No need for harshness here, let's all respect the long-running franchise and pray collectively for Warcraft 4 🙂

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