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Outlaw Rogue Dragonflight PvE Guide:
Assassination Rogue Dragonflight PvE Guide:
Subtlety Rogue Dragonflight PvE Guide:
0:00 New Bronze Farms In Mists Of Pandaria Remix
1:12 Farm Spot in Isle Of Thunder
3:02 Alliance Only Farm
3:53 Timeless Isle Farm
5:55 Dungeon Farm
8:25 Level Farm
I'm a collector so I'm in it for the mounts and mogs.
It's just as fast to lvl a toon to 70 bam that's 40k +30k bronze due to frog farmers … Create an alt he automatically gets 100%xp bonus + whatever xp bonus you earn from him thru threads and the alt is more powerful than the Main. Hit lvl 70 again that's 40k+30k by doing quests and yeah infinite bronze literally… Best thing is your Alts are Farmers for the next Warwithin no wasted time…
The alliance farm isnt there for me?
I guess people will neglect season 4 and theyll play mop remix ?
as of right now, i am doing Bazaar dailies, Random Dungeons, Random Scenarios and World Bosses, then i work on finishing Loremaster, after that i'll be spamming Instances.
Great video very valuable advise! 2 Questions: I'm on my first toon atm, just campaigning though for exp and acheves, but man I want to get to 70 much faster! So for the raid instance/mailbox method, is it suggested just for alts once I have my first toon leveled to 70 and cloak maxed or should I just take advantage now with this first toon? I ask because of the upgrade system being so expensive and in a lot of ways I want to use it minimally to save bronze. Secondly, I'm a bit confused on if I have to continue to spend a lot of bronze on upgrades on each alt I have planned to level or do those upgrades follow them once your first maxed level/cloaked character has got the upgrades first? Gad, I really hope they don't nerf the mailbox method!
Oh that’s hilarious. Earlier there was someone doing that on a holy priest and had their main account character at the start afk and the group voted to kick them. Then the priest left, now I know why. 😂😂😂
Can you go and do seige of org on normal
Would not looting bosses and letting it be opened in the mail later not be considered an exploit too? lol. That's clearly not intended! I find the lvling really fast anyways plus its fun so I am fine with lvling up even if I do get weaker. Sucks but yeh that's Blizz, small indy company 😀 lol
Tried the alliance only farm and i don't get any loot whatsoever, am i doing something wrong or is it patched ?
Thank you buddy. So far, I'm leveling alts in HCs as soon as I create them. When they reach level 25, I do normal raids, then LFR. Then I go do the other normal raids. And you're 70. Repeat.
MoP Remix showed me on another level of how fuckign incompetent blizzard is. Time to move on. There are enough games that are better.