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5 New Ways To Farm Bronze In Mist Of Pandaria Remix! Do These NOW Before They Are NERFED

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0:00 New Bronze Farms In Mists Of Pandaria Remix
1:12 Farm Spot in Isle Of Thunder
3:02 Alliance Only Farm
3:53 Timeless Isle Farm
5:55 Dungeon Farm
8:25 Level Farm

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  1. It's just as fast to lvl a toon to 70 bam that's 40k +30k bronze due to frog farmers … Create an alt he automatically gets 100%xp bonus + whatever xp bonus you earn from him thru threads and the alt is more powerful than the Main. Hit lvl 70 again that's 40k+30k by doing quests and yeah infinite bronze literally… Best thing is your Alts are Farmers for the next Warwithin no wasted time…

  2. as of right now, i am doing Bazaar dailies, Random Dungeons, Random Scenarios and World Bosses, then i work on finishing Loremaster, after that i'll be spamming Instances.

  3. Great video very valuable advise! 2 Questions: I'm on my first toon atm, just campaigning though for exp and acheves, but man I want to get to 70 much faster! So for the raid instance/mailbox method, is it suggested just for alts once I have my first toon leveled to 70 and cloak maxed or should I just take advantage now with this first toon? I ask because of the upgrade system being so expensive and in a lot of ways I want to use it minimally to save bronze. Secondly, I'm a bit confused on if I have to continue to spend a lot of bronze on upgrades on each alt I have planned to level or do those upgrades follow them once your first maxed level/cloaked character has got the upgrades first? Gad, I really hope they don't nerf the mailbox method!

  4. Oh that’s hilarious. Earlier there was someone doing that on a holy priest and had their main account character at the start afk and the group voted to kick them. Then the priest left, now I know why. 😂😂😂

  5. Would not looting bosses and letting it be opened in the mail later not be considered an exploit too? lol. That's clearly not intended! I find the lvling really fast anyways plus its fun so I am fine with lvling up even if I do get weaker. Sucks but yeh that's Blizz, small indy company 😀 lol

  6. Thank you buddy. So far, I'm leveling alts in HCs as soon as I create them. When they reach level 25, I do normal raids, then LFR. Then I go do the other normal raids. And you're 70. Repeat.

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