World of Warcraft: GTX 1660 Super Review – Best entry level QHD Card!

In this video you will see benchmarks for Open World, Dungeon and Raid of the Zotac GeForce GTX 1660 Super, compared with Nvidia and AMD cards.

The base system:
Intel Core i9 9900K Overclocked at 5.2GHz (5GHz cache)
Trident Z RGB 4600 C18.18.18.36 340 2T
Asus Maximus X Apex

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  1. I just bought a computer that has a rtx 3060 in it and something has to be wrong it just looks like blurry or tearing around the edges of character like this looks soo much smoother and rounded im about to take this one back and get the one with the 1660 on it idk whatsup with mine or is the 3060 just bad

  2. I told my son to hook his laptop up to his monitor and he never bothered. He was going to sell it for next to nothing and so I paid him in full for it. This is the video card in the laptop. I get so frustrated with him when he doesn't listen. Lucky for me he is out on his own now but with him in my ear every so often about wanting new pc parts I want to tell him give me the money back for the laptop but I know he doesn't have it. This laptop definitely could run a WOW raid.

  3. Great video, helpful data! I do wish this was rendered in 60fps though, even if it doesn't reflect the real world performance accurately it would look a lot smoother and professional.

  4. Are these specs good for WoW and some programming? Im really noob for this stuff so I would really appreciate help <3
    AMD Ryzen 7 2700 8GB 1TB+240GB SSD GeForce GTX1660 Super 6GB 600W

  5. I'm in the small category of people who will still buy an overpowered gpu, even though I normally only play WoW lol…. why, you ask? Simply put.. because I'm a size king 😜
    It's overkill, but it looks good… I'd rather have and not need than need and not have. Can't wait for the Nvidia 30 series gpu to drop. Maximum power. #AndThenSome😁

  6. Hi, i just got the MSI 1660 Super for WoW Shadowlands and looking to get a monitor so do you think a 24" 1080p 144 MHz would be better then a 27" 1440p 95Mhz ? would like a bigger screen for Shadowlands but worried i would loose loads of FPS and they are upping the recommended specs for the next expansion, your thoughts on this would be great. thanks.

  7. Thank you for this guide! Very helpfull! 🙂 Just finished my 1660super with i5-10600k build and runs wow very smooth pretty much everywhere 60fps 1440p with some minor tweaks in the settings. 🙂

  8. Nice video mate 😀 it helped a lot , if you will help me with an opinion that would be amazing . I`m purchasing the GTX 1660 combined with Amd ryzen 5 3600 and still not decided , should i go for 1080p or 1440p monitor ? ,I`m preparing my pc for shadowlands mainly. thx in advance

  9. Exactly what I was looking for. I play WoW 90% of the time and other Blizzard Games such as Overwatch on occasion. So I wanted a card that can crank up to Graphics Level 10 in WoW without buying something overkill. Thanks a ton!

  10. Thanks for these benchmarks and reviews since no one seems to do any for Wow. So I’m considering getting a Ryzen 7 2700x (OC to 4.3gh) with a Gtx 1660 ti and I’m wondering if you think those two would work well together for Wow and also if they would work well with a 1440p monitor?

    I’ve checked out your videos on the 2700x but haven’t seen any on the Gtx 1660 ti.


    Also thanks for all the Wow videos. So helpful, subscribed!

  11. What guild are you in and do you raid mythic with this hardware? Who do you think will win world first against N'Zoth? Nice Veng DH play btw, lol.

  12. @hardware numb3rs, just wondering, but did you encounter any of the 8.3 memory leak and GPU driver crashes (blackscreens) while testing? The forums are full of people with those problems, i myself had a lot of blackscreens under DX12 since the patch. Setting it to DX11 helped but introduced microstutter when watching streams on my 2nd monitor :/

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