World of Warcraft Volcanic Music

All credit goes to Blizzard for the making of this music.

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  1. i'm sorry to say but even back then it was just trying to level and gear up. Not until the zones are forgotten though do we realize how much they ment. For instance when i was a level 24 night elf rogue leveling through duskwood i was not thinking "oh man I'll miss this place!" i was thinking "damn i can't wait to be level 60". enjoy things in the moment.

  2. As someone else mentioned, BRD the dungeon had far more details than anyone can notice in one day, they worked really hard on that dungeon because they LOVED the game back then

  3. Burning Steps world pvp in very old vanilla days, flying mount from Stormwind to Ironforge and you always see lot of activity on my back-then pvp server
    Everyone is in their city and not leaving it
    Even after 8years, I still have it on my mobile to hear it, I LOVE it

  4. You sound mad. I've been playing through 10-15 different 1.12 servers out there.
    This is the best one. I dont know about the donations thing though, I've never felt like they arsed me for money.

  5. This brings back so many memories 🙁 the evening 40vs40 alliance and horde battles as it was raiding time. There was so many corpses that littered the area. I remember on my priest mind controlling the horde into the lava, good times good times.

  6. I encourage anyone who's feeling the nostalgia to check out therebirth(dot)net… it's a 1.12 vanilla server that strives to be as close to the original vanilla wow as possible… don't be turned off by the crappiness of most private servers, there are no instant levels, donations, vote rewards, free gear, xp boosts… just pure nostalgia. One of the least buggy private servers you'll find as well, the people running it are amazing. The closest you can get to experiencing what you once loved…

  7. Crap, and I remember trying Klinfran (dat dang messed up, overpowered demon bastard for super-epic, impossible-to-do hunter quest) over and over again some hundred metres away from that screenshot.

  8. you were pissed? ok now, I have to tell you: the lvl60(epic) mount is now the lvl40 mount.. you can have it for a mere 40g mount training, then 20 gold for the mount itself..

    I remember the days when having a dreadstead or a charger meant something

  9. Is it just me or is the part from 2:38 onwards also in the intro cinematic? The one where the chick talks about drums of war and tenous allegiance, all but evaporated, you know.

  10. You can buy it from trainer now`?? omg.. I fought so long and so freaking hard to find someone with the reagents to the last part in dm.. And.. Now they actually destroy the story behind the classes,. not good at all.. Haven't played since WOTLK came out.. or, took lvl 80 (big mistake and a waste of time) and quit..

  11. That music so far can only be heard on places Like 'The Searing Gorge' and 'The Burning Steppes' and ofc the interior of Blackrock Mountain. But apart from this places i doubt if its elsewhere heard.

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