Is World of Warcraft STILL the MMORPG GOAT?

Are you still playing World of Warcraft? Or maybe you’ve just come back for a bit to ride some Dragons?
Let’s take a look at both the good and not-so-upstanding history of the MMORPG and the company behind it: Activision-Blizzard and discuss the latest changes to the game in the recent Dragonflight Expansion and ask if it’s still the King of the MMO genre.

We all know that Activ-Bliz hasn’t been the torchbearer we needed them to be over the past few years but there’s still hope yet with how this recent expansion has been going.

Keep in mind there’s so much to talk about when it comes to WoW but I’m not trying to make a 10 hour long video so if you think there’s anything critical I’ve left out then let me know in the comments below.

Also apologies for getting this one out so late… putting together all the data and verifying as much of it as I could was an absolute nightmare.

#worldofwarcraft #dragonflight #wowclassic

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  1. I left in BfA for GW2, and I haven't regretted it once. The story is the backbone of the game, and they just mangled it so badly that I lost all interest. The SO keeps saying he should delete his old toons, but I do hold a sliver of hope they might hire writers with more than three braincells. But as long as the sunk cost fallacy keeps the core player base around, they have no reason to do so. You vote for this downward spiral with your complacency.

  2. I mean, even the full servers seem pretty empty to me and “new” characters all have heirlooms. There’s something fishy going on and I don’t think a game as successful as it claims would decide to hide its subscriber numbers.

  3. I played BC through Legion – 10 years but for the last couple years I also played ESO. Since about 2016 it's been only ESO in which I prefer the looks, fighting, dungeons and community. Story and Lore I liked both WOW and ESO but everything else I lean more towards ESO. I don't think I've ever seen you do a video on Elder Scrolls Online – do you dislike it that much?

  4. Been playing for 4 months. Was let down to hit level 60 and i only had 7 dungeons unocked. I feel like this game spits in my face every turn. I just feel bored. I wanted to like thus game so much.

  5. Never really was a big MMO player. Tried playing wow 2 years ago and it was the most boring thing I’ve touched. I got to level 59 and decided the game wasn’t worth my time.

  6. I don't think that Wow is the king yea wow may have the most players but as content and world and gameplay its trash most of the world feels empty everything you grind for is invalidated on the next expansion makes people feel that they wasted their time for nothing the players may be a lot but I can't stop feeling sorry for them I'm far happier since I left the game
    compared to that FF14 and GW2 feel far more fulfilling WOW just feels stale and repetitive I'm so sorry to the WOW players that your game is not good

  7. It is not. And neither will it ever be again. In fact they do not show subscriber numbers anymore because numbers would be… abysmal, compared to the WotlK glory days. Also the story is ruined and cannot be fixed, DF is just a spinoff basically, but the moment they go back to "main storyline" it turns into hot, stinky, putrid garbage again.

  8. I laughed so hard when you said "active the bacon!"

    About 16 years ago when I was learning 3D Max, I then asked a lead/CEO of a games company where the market was headed and he thought about it for a moment and said Mobile gaming will be the next big thing; And it turns out he was right.

    Btw I love 3D Max work flow being able to go back steps after you've added a modifier, unlike Maya you have to save it as File X and then move on to File X1 if you want to go back.
    We as the PC/Console players will be hurt the most with all the changes and battle pass plus micro transactions, I would rather a subscription base game then the latter however due to the nature of the beast and those pesky bots there will always be a need for shop and some kind of token…sad to say…

    On another note. I will be sad once Microsoft gaming takes over form Mr. Kotick who of his team will still be there will there be sweeping new changes within the company new managers?
    If so I would like Stephanie McMahon to maybe helm the company.

  9. Incomming wall of text. Do not read if you are lazy or have reading impairments.

    I honestly cannot comprehend what wow did right in the first place. Even back then in 2004, it was still a significant time investment and barrier to entry. Just not compared to other mmos out at that time, which were significantly more consuming, and had really complicated systems, permanent item loss and permanent death to and exp loss. I mean, it is insane.

    But It still was a huge investment to get into wow back then regardless. Now, they have added a boatload of content over the years. And of course deleted a bunch of the content to. Blizzard had a perma boner for revamping content back then. Like, this would be my biggest gripe if I was a brand new player. Oh where did you get those gauntlets of divinity for transmog. They look cool. Oh, blizzard deleted those gloves years ago with the revamp of scarlet monastery dungeon. Like, oh ok. Unsub. It just sucks in my op. All of a sudden, the journey would end for me as a new player.

    The leveling process in retail is a joke nowadays to. Don't know how anyone gets confused by that. There is a boatload of content to grind through, but you can do pretty much any of the content that you want to in any order you choose to as well. I mean, I think mmo gaming has always required a certain level of patience to play anyways. You have to know what you are getting into. And I don't think that wow could simplify itself anymore than it already has. Well, I mean it can, but I don't think it should.

    I think one of the reasons wrath of the lich king peaked so hardcore, was because they knew exactly what the target audience was. And everything else seemed relatively perfect to. It was a decent balance of leveling up, and doing end game activities. As well as having probably one of the best stories ever told in warcraft. There are always going to be those refuse to play wow, no matter what blizzard does. I think that generally speaking, with dragonflight, it is doing pretty well. I mean, my biggest gripes over the years include alot of things. I think they decided to try and rope in way to many people. I mean, they oversimplified the talent trees. Gave each class less and less abilities. Deleted all of the old content out of the game. This will always be a big one for me. As well as getting rid of pretty much every RPG element known to man from the game to.

    With the advent of paid level boosts and all that, and mage powerleveling in classic. People are just getting lazy. And everyone seems to have a hatred of leveling. That is just the reality now. No one wants to level anymore. Unless it is me. I never minded leveling. But this is how it has been for years now. Players on average hate leveling. The developer's see this mindset as well. I think wow is just old also. And something that is old now. Who wants to play something outdated. I think alot of folks are just hoping for a new mmo to blow everyones socks off like wow did back in 2004. But I still feel like leveling would have to take a back seat. Kind of sad when you think about it. I mean, it doesn't have to be this thing that takes a thousand years. But it is a complete joke now. Because most players hate it in the first place. But, of course there were people who hated leveling when wow came out back in 2004 as well. But it is encourages to skip it now and enabled with paid boosts and all that good stuff. But I can't say I blame them either. Everyone is so impatient, lazy, and entitled now to. If blizzard doesn't do this one thing. Or blizzard made this change. Well, we are quitting. It doesn't even matter anymore. Blizzard still rakes in a plethora of money with all of the microtransactions that they have going for them now. And it is like, why chase what the entitled lazy players want, when we can legit just print money from people who will pay us for a character boost. OR a mount. OR a pet. Or any number of other things they can think of to possibly monotize.

    Time is another thing. Especially with the act of nostalgia closing in faster and faster. Nostalgia happens so quickly now, that it is pretty insane. The fact that the average wow player considers wrath of the lich king a nostalgic expansion, just speaks volumes to me. Wrath was legit, not even that long ago. Most people still remember it and recognize it to. We do things faster. We consume content faster. And that leads to earlier burnout. It wasn't like this before you could pretty much do anything and everything you wanted to do online. I do miss the old days. Where playing online games, was one of the few things you could do online. Now you can do everything. It was so much cooler to look up information at a local library, or going to a local store and buying a strategy guide for game tips. So much better than looking everything up in 10 seconds. Games no longer seem like a mystery for very long anymore. It doesn't even matter how new the game is either. With nostalgia shifting in faster, and people completing things faster, blizzard also needs to reinvent faster. But again, why reinvent, when you can just, plug money cash shops into any given game and make money off of that far more efficiently than anything else. Like I said, I feel this also has to do with lazyness and entitlement to. Like I can sit and play wow for hours still. And I have never reached burnout. I am still leveling my toons, even though most players got done in like 3 days. Blizzard has basically chosen the money fast options. They know they will always have that base of players who will never quit no matter what. And so at the end of the day, I think wow will survive, as long as there are players to milk. Like that is just the reality.

    It still has magic in my op compared to other games. The combat. The pvp. The raids. The leveling up. No other game even compares. And I am long past the point of no return. I don't even care that I am getting milked anymore. Although, I choose to not pay for most things with real money. Especially level boosts. And raid carries. Like If I want to raid and level up. I will raid and level the fuck up lol.

    I honestly agree with rose here, that, wow will only die, because blizzard killed it. Just like How I feel like there is no end of the world scenario. Because humans don't know when to stop. Humans will be the reason why they no longer exist. Not anything else. Humans will have some idea that no one questions, and anyone who does gets blocked, and boom, the whole earth is destroyed along with everyone else. Just like that. I feel like that would be the same explanation for world of warcraft as well. I will probably be playing wow until I am dead. I mean, I will put it this way. People who play wow typically land in the millenial bracket in terms of age on average. Gamers who have been playing wow for years now. Along with some other generations here and there, and I am sure gen z. But eventually, the millenials will be like 80 years old, and close to death. I think that by then, wow will be gone presumably. I mean, when you have all of the players who are currently being milked. I mean, I never see new players often who are brand new to the game. But I think that when most of the players who are currently being milked, and who have been for years, mainly the millenials. When there is no more of them left because of death or whatever, yah. I don't think wow will be around much longer after that. Wow seems to survive and thrive off of the 30 year olds who have been playing for years now. And once all of that is gone. It just feels like wow will also be gone. Wow started when the average millenial was a kid/young adult. With a handful of gen X babies playing. But, I could be wrong about that to.

    To me, wow seems like the same old game over and over again. But with a plethora of changes and alterations over the years. And some hit and miss improvements. A controversial developer legacy. I mean, it legit is the same old shit over and over again for some. As long as we still find it fun on average for those still sucked into it. And it still makes decent money. I doubt it will die anytime soon. It has also branched out to create other spin offs, mainly mobile ones. Such as hearthstone and heroes of the storm. I still feel like wow creates the template for that type of shit.
    I often see people saying that wow should update it's system specs and graphics and all that good shit. I mean, in my mind, if blizzard could make wow to the point where it actually is able to be played on mobil phones and PC gaming, blizzard would absolutely nerf everything about wow to get it to that point. Just so they could make some diablo immortal money off of this bad boy. I mean, I am just saying. I think wow is still to complicated, at large to be played on a mobile phone. But mobile gaming makes so much money. And they don't have to deal with the entitlement and all that good shit either. Blizzard solely cares about money now. That is all. I still think wow makes decent money as is though, and still rakes in a decent amount of it, and I feel it is probably second in cash cow behind diablow immortal. But I could be wrong.

  10. One of the best videos ive seen lately. As much as I like dragonflight I completely agree that the game kinda lost its sould and became "industrialized finally" for me. Lets see how things will turn out.

  11. They redid all the late game systems in the game, removing those stupid expansion based power systems, and limiting factors like factions, as well as improve the core game of the each class thanks to the new talent system

    BUT even though they said they want to fix the mainly played parts of the game first, I would think the long term investment of the starting experience would greatly benefit the games health.

    They gave us a great new tutorial experience but past that from level 12 – current expansion is still quite bare and I know would cause some people to leave.

  12. 5 years or so. It was my hobby, my focus during any free time. The game lived in my head everywhere I went. Anytime I was doing anything at all, wow was there. I would get excited butterflies when I knew I was headed home. I don’t think I’ll ever have a phase like that again. No regrets, yet, I don’t miss such an obsession.

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