The 30 World of Warcraft Shadowlands Changes in 10 Minutes

Hello there, I’m Fintusius, and today let me present you the 30 World of Warcraft Shadowlands changes/+my tips coming with the Shadowlands pre patch, with available starting the 13th of October (NA) / 14th October (EU)

List of unavailable class spells during the pre-patch:

Full Pre Patch Notes :

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Edited with Klawiszq :
Audio edits done with :
Magni clip original taken from:

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  1. edit: Pre Patch went live and most of the Relic of the Past items have been heavily nerfed overnight, they will remain only good for content below lvl 50 (such as twink gear).

    Don't leave me hangin' alone and come hang out with me once I get some sleep @ 😀

    Would you like to see more videos like this one? More Classes? Tanks? Healers? PvP? More Systemlands? Lemme know!

  2. Can u still get the cloak in pre patch? I mean for a returning player pre patch sucks. No way of testing things out when u die in 1 second to OP bfa gear. 2months at least of pre patch! Let everyone have fun!

  3. they squished the levels so the gold farming from dungeons and raid would be lower sold to vendors, which will make it nearly impossible to make gold after the auction house losers would deprice everything. and people will start buying tokens with real cash and guess what, thats what blizzard want!. p2w!

  4. I didn't know your Channel! Very good content and amazing production value… Taking ages or not per video uploaded, keep going strong dude! Cheers from Portugal

  5. dead ass have to watch at .75 speed so that you talk slow enough for me to understand everything you are saying take a breather and slow down just a a hair i know its a lot of information in a short span but theres a fine line of going TOO fast

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