Discord: https://discord.gg/MrGM
Music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WXxy3Y8daks
Outro: Unity – TheFatRat (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n8X9_MgEdCg)
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Did you manage to get the Mount? twitch.tv/MrGM
Great and easy guide i just did it and mount is still available =)
UPDATE: As of (today) 1-24-24 you still get the mount for doing this.
it says I have to beat and unlock every class in the game before being able to play mercinery and other modes. that are 11 rounds of 30 vs 30 hp.
Is there an update to this? I don't see a mercenary mode. I see tavern brawl
this is from the future! Your still able to get it! Thanks for da vid :3
i did it a get it in 18.3.2023 great STUFF!
This is still available, for anyone checking comments to figure it out.
Short, simple and to the point! Love the video thank you.
I just did this right now and I got the mount 9/12/22
is it still avialable to get?
can we still get it? or it's over?
its still obtainable btw
If anyone is wondering, as of today, you are still able to get the mount! I just checked that up and got it.
is it flying too?
I want thet mount!
@MrGM awesome! I downloaded hearthstone, did the tutorial like you did and I got the Sarge's Tale mount
Is this still available?
thank you man for this and happy new year <3
i didn't get the mount, where the f is my mount blizz jeez such a shit game
EDIT: Got the mount but had to play a bit more, guess blizzard likes torture…
can i get it now ?
I actually love Heathstone Mercenaries. Not a big fan of regular Hearthstone.
Now u can Play Mouse-Hunt with the new Cat Mount
I came back to the tutorial as I was at the part where you get the mount. I was just like “oh”
To get the mount you might need to do the extra combat after the tutorial when you visit the boar and mana storm won't put a portal for you. After you complete that the mount will drop.
I clicked the wrong thing and I'm stuck in the card game with no options to go back or switch. Any help!!??
Thanks <3
A bit off-topic: I think I might have the world record for the most Tavern Brawl wins in a Tavern Brawl week.
i dont have option to choose mercenary it just boot me to a tutorial mode
Do you need an avtive wow sub for this mount? Can I claim this mount from Hearthstone and just redeem it whenever I get sub again , even after the promo ends?
Mounts, the ONLY reason I have ever played Hearthstone and HOTS
It's mount special animation has it flying, and yet it's not a flying mount… why?
Not worth spending the time imo. If it can't fly I'll never use it.
ty for this guide. i dont play HS so i was confused af what to even do especially since when i logged in i previously played HS long ago when it came out and had a bunch of weird rewards to pick up over the years
I thought they stopped adding Dev references to the game?
I had to complete (not just start) the very first bounty mission to get the mount.
Thx for the quick guide man much appreciated.