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How To Level From 10-70 In Only 2 Hours In MoP Remix!

After testing multiple different leveling methods in MoP Remix, I’ve finally settled on a strategy that allows me to consistently get characters to level 70 in only 2-3 hours. This may not be the most traditional way to level up alts, but its speed can not be denied, and it’s extremely easy for anyone to set up for themselves.

I put together another guide on my second channel which explains how to optimally build your Level 20 Twink, and you can find it here:

If you want to watch the full footage of my 2 Hour 46 Minute run, you can find it here on my second channel:

While Level 20 Boosting is currently the fastest method, I’ve done multiple test runs with some alternative routes. I recently had a speedrun in 3 hours and 40 minutes which used a combination of questing and Normal raids. If that sounds more interesting, you can watch the run here:

If you’re looking to level up your characters as quickly as possible, you can find my written Leveling Guide over at my website,

This guide is for MoP Remix, but if you’re looking for a way to level alts in Dragonflight, you can find my 1-60 Chromie Time Guide here:

I also have a separate 60-70 Guide for Dragonflight Leveling, which you can find here:

I have a second YouTube Channel that I’ve been using to post more frequent videos, such as quick unedited system overviews or Twitch Livestream Recordings. You can find the second channel here:

My Discord tag is “Harldan”, and as always, you can feel free to contact me if you have any feedback or questions. You’ll never be bothering me by sending a message, as it usually makes my day when someone reaches out.

I also have a Discord server which I use to post updates about the channel and talk about things I find interesting. If you’d like to join it, you can use this link:

If you’re interested in supporting my work and want to gain access to over 80 hours of exclusive video content, I’d encourage you to become a Channel Member. You can find more information here:

#WoW #Warcraft #Dragonflight #Worldofwarcraft #Leveling #Speedrun #Gaming

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  1. Ive never heard of this, looks fun! But.. I cannot fully grasp what twinking do, does the lvl 20 twink carry over to the main account and then I proceed to lvl up further?

  2. For some reason my PC screams just running one instance of wow and this is completely untenable. It'd be nice if you made another guide that didn't involve multiboxinf

  3. My record to 70 is just shy of 3 hours.
    Make a healer, heal heroics, dont loot xp items.
    Do the raids on normal when you hit minimum required level.
    At 40 do TOES then open all mail and you're 70.

    And you don't need a 2nd account. I'm going to try and bring it below 2 and a half hours next run by teaming up a tank and healer and one dps for even faster queues and a guaranteed group with 3 non 70s getting tne scaling to work for us.

    The slow down was mainly a few waits in a queue and the groups where I ended up with a bunch of fresh 70s.

  4. Arcane Mage is incredibly strong at this as well. I've been running it and got 1h49m45s on my most recent alt.

    I suggest people that are interested to use the following steps to ultra min max:

    10-25 Heroic Dungeons
    25 N Mogu'shan Vaults (make sure you don't loot boss XP)
    26-35 Heroic Dungeons
    35 N Heart of Fear
    36-41 Should be two Heroic Dungeons
    41 N ToES
    41-70 open mailbox and loot XP.

  5. Mast lets you 1 shot bosses harder if you have a level 65+ in the party. Not something to look for bu if you get a lee gem here or there with mast its pretty nice.

  6. I think a lots of people are interested to know how to make a new character to get 7000 bronze at the most efficient way. Why? Because the class specific set and weapon after you unlocked the achievements will be only purchased by each specific class unlike the other transmog, so unless Blizzard will change this, I think many people will need to create a new character for each class to earn 7K just to buy these. I don’t think running heroic with a boost will be the best way to achieve it.

  7. I was having a problem where it said you can’t q with opposing factions even though they were both alliance, though I did realize they are not on the same realm so I’ll try to make one on same server and see if that helps.

  8. as always zero info how/what 2 do for boost other char – zero info – do i need open 2x wow / do i need extra payment / do i need move – absolute worthless guide.

  9. good video. I saw your second channel and made my own twink. some things to add: I use the lvl 20 to boost alts through the daily heroic/norm dungeon and scenario for bronze caches. Getting alt to 65 is when they get the legendary cache for daily quest and completion. Also make sure booster and alt are same faction or they can't que easily. Maybe I'm bad but at start of lvl 20 monk boosting I had to play brewmaster until I got right tinker and stats, but after that it is extremely fast. Slightly annoying thing is que'n as monk you usually get tank/heal role then have to swap specs, priest just runs holy. Unless your 70 is geared a 20 twink clears for daily caches and is nice outside of leveling alts. Getting legendary gems are not necessary as they have the same main stat as epic gems just nice to have if need stam, I found out can't trade gems to trial account. Great content!

  10. I'm really glad you posted this, I made my 20 Holy Priest last weekend and levelled a Druid 10-70 in just under 3.5 hours. I think I could easily get under 3 hours now the twink is many times more powerful now thanks to the daily quests, and I'm not focussing on using /follow and looting trash on the levelling character. Gonna watch your second video now to see if there are ways to improve my setup – using the Chi-Ji meta seems to be a big time saver already.
    Edit: Managed to do it in 2h50m on my run today!

  11. Worth noting.
    1) A veteran f2p account (no longer subscribed) are limited to level 20 and will not gain the XP while unsubscribed or gain XP accumulated past 20 while f20.
    2) A new f2p account (never subscribed) tracks the XP after you hit 20, and if you then subscribe, that tracked XP is added to your character. So, your level 20 twink on this type of account could jump in level if you subscribe later.

  12. There's also another way without having to build a twink yourself you can ask ppl in your guild if they are running a twink or ask trade chat and then ask to run with them. I've leveled 2 toons this way and never had to make a twink of my own.

  13. The "problem" with this method is that it implies leveling a first character level 70. Managing gems, bying things, maxing the cloak etc… I still prefer leveling in retail, it's simple and straight forward. I wonder if it's time efficient for someone who wants to level 2 or 3 toons.

  14. I assume the answer is no, but are you planning on releasing any guide for an efficient questing path in MoP remix? I've mostly been hopping around doing campaigns and side quests up until I come across one with too much RP, but it would be nice to know if there's a better path to follow.

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