Sylvanas Torments Anduin In Chains Cinematic [9.1 World of Warcraft: Shadowlands Lore]

Sylvanas Torments Anduin Cinematic. After Anduin holds the Jailer’s wrath long enough for us to escape he is captured in chains. Taken back to Sylvanas’ kinky dungeon, they have a long, discussion about truth, lies, and fate and how Anduin will be used as a weapon. Redemption arc inc.

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Of course I added the music in the background silly. I thought this was like a given by now!
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Illidan Stormrage’s Story & Sacrifice [Full Warcraft Lore]

All WoW Raid Ending Cinematics [TBC – BFA]

Arthas vs. Illidan – Final Battle
#wow #sylvanas #Shadowlands

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Soundtracks/Images Used: (Note- All Credit for music and/or images used belongs and goes to the artists/creators of this amazing music/art. No Copyright Infringement is intended).

A mix of Battle for Azeroth OST – from World of Warcraft & Warcraft 3 OST.

World of Warcraft & Warcraft 3: Reforged belongs to the mighty Blizzard Entertainment.

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  1. Denathrius Cinematic: Link:
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    Hiya Folks! This family-friendly dialogue is good and all but can we get the ADULT version of what’s really going on behind the scenes? Sylvanas has wanted Anduin in chains since Lordaeron. So many delightful possibilities! Sniff. I smell a cringy redemption arc incoming. Illidan does not approve. Nope nope.

  2. I am I guess the 5% of the gamers who love Sylvanas and get what she meant. Yes, we dont have free will, our choices are mostly determined and influenced by society and external forces. This expansion challenged the dark side of stoicism, aka. victim blaming. Sylvanas IS A VICTIM! I stand by the banshee queen

  3. It's funny how many people really hate Sylv honestly lol. Has she done some bad things? Definitely yeah for sure but I'm telling fyoi she's gunna end up being the savior of this whole thing honestly.

    Shes warned us constantly hell even in bfa she talks about how we don't listen and is fed up with it. She literally killed herself after Arthas died like what do you people want from her? Lol.

  4. What if she already knows that the Jailor was behind her death and she'd be going to go rogue at the end of the expansion and take the role of the Jailor after we vainquish him ?


    It's just as confusing as when a girl friend zones you and everytime she comes to hang out she keeps touching my dad !

  6. She could be going down a Garrosh path. In Garrosh's head, he was doing the right thing and he meddled with old god magic to get there but was corrupted by them instead. Maybe, in Sylvanas' mind, she's doing the right thing but the powers she's meddling with have corrupted her.

  7. Sylvannas is right here. Imagine you were sent to shadowlands and you never had a choice of which covenant to pick from because that decision was made for you by the arbiter. You get stuck with death chakram ability from maldraxxus while your hunter buddies got wild spirits from night fea. You'll never top the dps meters for eternity, sadge bro

  8. I liked the Mawsworn's ideology a lot when going thru Bastion but for them to go on their own beliefs of choice and force people to their will totally lost me. Like damn. I was boudaa kiss Jailor's toes.

  9. Something strange there. After Sylvanas die on IceCrown, she gets into afterlife now maybe she got into the maw and got rescued from fallen Kyrians which serve the Jailor. So my guess is she got tricked hard.

    Sylvanas is understandable. She lost her Kingdom while fighting and Arthas who got the Sword thats made in the Maw killed her and made her a Banshee. Now of course she ends in the Maw even if her death was honorable and she fight for Silvermoon and the Sunwell just mentioning. Even after Arthas she tryed to escape she wanted to die but she cant because she lands in the Maw.

    One of her biggest Goals is not to destroy Life or Death she has a bigger plan. She stopped while speaking with Anduin she got in the Maw instead of getting a new home with her family members. And Pelagos a Kyrian follower says he was in his previous life a women that fighted hard. I dont know but it seems like Sylvanas just want the Balance back after all she witnessed. She got a new little Cut on the right Eye. I dont know but she is playing a big game and after she is done im sure she will let Tyrande kill her.

    And next Expansion we have the Nightelves which will go crazy, im pretty sure.

    Now i just dont understand the difference between the Nether and Shadowlands. Is it the same or how is that because Dreadlords are coming from there or not? Very confusing the story at the moment.

  10. i don't think Sylvanas is bad she just been hurt by some thing or loved someone but got hurt by it. or maybe what kind of family she was born in was not that happy for her growing up. but you can hear the lost of something in her voice and she was about too say something too. she felt hurt when she said "we can't even choose". then it cuts off i want to know her full lore is.

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