(8500g/hr) The Best Place to Farm Embersilk Cloth – World of Warcraft Gold Guide – Dubisttot

Today we take a look at the very best place to be farming for embersilk cloth. You guys demanded I made a video of this, so here it is. Let me know how it works for you in the comments below!

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  1. Dubisttot  Edit: Blizzard nerfed the area, I just went through the quest chain just to find out that once I kill all mobs they take 2 minutes to begin to respawn.
    15 minutes of farming only wielded 183 Embersilk Cloth

  2. I am pretty sure this spot was nerfed, they are taking several minutes to spawn now. I used it several months ago, but came back recently. Think it was stealth-nerfed

  3. I use another spot to farm ember silk honestly. I suppose I could do batol and just jump in pit per your suggestion but then you gave to factor in repair bill. I have a 551 ilevel right now so it's not cheap to repair. I farm it from a quest line in Dragonmarci believe it's called. Respawn rate has been needed but still yields decent result

  4. Nice place indeed but if you aren't able to pull all those mobs as easily as a mage or lock it won't be as effective.  I have been farming Grim Batol normal lately as pointed out by another video I watched and I have had great luck.  I farm with a 515 ilvl frost DK and over an hour of farming using potion of treasure finding I get over 1200 cloth, 75-100 hypnotic dust (char is enchanter) and about 1k gold from trash, chests, selling green weapons (they don't give dust and essence doesn't sell very good).  I must have done these 1 hour runs at least 100 times.

  5. I am a level 90 Frost Mage and it takes me about a minute to clear this area and I am waiting 5 minutes for them to respawn.  Maybe things have changed since you did this, still a good spot to farm Embersilk and the Chests

  6. Great Video!
    One thing tho, you can actually start the questline from just next to "The Maw of Madness" and i think you will only need to do around 20 quests or so from there to get "Mathias' command"
    Also you should mention that having tailoring will increase your cloth gain by alot (i average around 1500 cloth every 30 mins on my druid, with tailoring (if you said it, i missed it Sorry!))
    But all in all very good video ! 😀

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