Epic Music Mix of Legend I – World of Warcraft

After the fall , i am here buds with an awsome mix from WoW story. I always loved the Arthas a.k.a Lich King.

Maybe someone or the most of you guys played this game and explore the wonderful landscapes, dragons, players and i am more happy for share with you a mix of legends.

Epic Tracks Used :
0:00 – 1:45
1:45 -3:02
3. Wrath of the Lich King
3:02 – 4:20
4:20 – 5:35
5. Arthas, My Son
5:35 – 6:47
6.Guardians of Nordrassil
6:47 – 7:46
7. The Wrath Gate
7:46 – 8:58
8:58 – 11:13
9.Tempest’s Wake
11:13 – 13:19

Thanks for watching this mix created by Resenestar.

ADV : I saw one cinematic in Sindrannaras video so i was trying to do the same and a bit different . The cinematic is at 2:31 . Thanks for your inspiration buddy.

DISCLAIMER : All music and images belongs to their rightful owners. I do not own any of the music, images, or clips used in this video. Absolutely no copyright infringement intended.

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  1. why do so many people complain about the background pictures ? I mean I didn't even look at them, this is a music video, I just put it in the background and listened to it while doing something else. Do you all stare at a non moving screen for 13 minutes ? ^^"

  2. ok Good music, so thums up, but that said.
    1- weird order
    2-images are all wrong, arthas theme is showing and BEs are shown? ogrimar music is playing and night elves???

  3. it's pretty awesome but i think… it's like 90% of the time trying to be on the musical maximum …. try to have some more down times in it where the music is bit slower and dunno… smoother?
    but anyways still like it :3

  4. nopes. Go and listen to some of the Guild Wars 1 tracks. Let me help you. here are some links to some of the best gw2 tracks:

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