How would your hero look in World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor? Take a look at the new and improved character models of (in order): Gnomes, Human (Female), Dwarves, Draenei (Male), Night Elf (Female), Undead (Male), Tauren (Male), and Orcs. Please take note that the game is currently still in beta, and dances are included in the last half of the video!
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Looks shit,I was fearing it was about to be introduced in cata classic but luckily its wod
very nice
and as expected the most replayed xD
They’re all terrible, they need to go back.
Well human female gets older
Why is this NOT IN CLASSIC
that night elf's music (song of elune) is masterpiece.
i kinda miss the old night elf and blood elf models . i like the new ones too, they look great, i just prefer the old ones so much more
Old models just look and feel better in everything, including gear wise
If the new male orcs had red eyes they would look like the ones from the original series
Soul vs. Soulless
older models look better, newer models have more detail but look goofy af
Why was this not added in WoW Classic?! I was told this was gonna happen!
y ha pasado 5 años y las mierdas de graficas siguen igual…. Blizzard ql flojo que se excusa que no cambian las grafiacs para que lo puedan jugar mas personas… como si les importara los q piensa su publico.
Where are the rest of the races? Come on, man.
The old dwarf face is disgusting
old models: suggestive fantasy. New models: cartoony blizzneyvision fantasy.
I like how the models hair/beards actually move and don’t clip through the body parts or just get stretched around and they faces actually have emotion very nice
Very nice, the New Models!
I haven't played in 10 yrs…did the trolls disappear or did I blink during the video?
They were cool at the time, but glad there was an option to turn them off, which has since been removed. Rip
i've always hated the proportions/body shapes, but especially on the males and female night elf. god dam that's ugly
the music is too loud ;~; its obnoxious
old models > new models. Old animations > new animations. Old WoW > New WoW