Sindragosa and the Lich King – Mega Bloks World of Warcraft

Stopped by my local Target and they were resetting the toy isle. Low and behold, the World of Warcraft sets were out. Picked this set up for $39.99

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  1. frostmourne looks really detailed as far as toy standards goes,and the bonus loot sword looks like a single "blade of the fallen prince" this is the remnants of frostmourne after the fall of the lich king at the end of wrath of the lich king. the death knights took the shards of frostmourne and crafted two twin blades for the frost death knight artifact weapon campaign in the legion expansion,so basically this looks to be a coincidence,not entirely sure if the designers of this mega blocks set meant it to be this sword specifically,since the sword i am referring to didn't see production until 4 expansions later,but this is really cool.

  2. I'm not asking you to buy it just for the sake of a review, but if you ever happen to get the "Deathwing's Stormwind Assult" set could you please review it?

  3. trouble is when ppl bring out a copy of a game (such as halo) little 7 yr olds will egt spoilde dto shit with it 1 brthday and so into it when they havent got the slightest clue wut the game is and sit there and quiz you oon things they dont even knw about.

  4. best set wow has done, deathwings cool but lich kign and sindragosa EPIC XD XDX DXD
    shame they had to kill em off, i could never truly betray my leader 🙁

  5. 85 x4 and sharde the greater is a 2hander, unless your a dk you aint tanking with it lol…but you did good
    sharde the lesser is a one handed tank sword, i think i havnt looked at that gear in years lol

  6. I saw they came out with mega blocks on the WOW installer loading thing I was like….hmmm interesting…saw that they had Sindragosa, Lichking with his throne and Frostmourne and nearly had a stroke.

  7. I simply cannot agree with the Balt-an today. I LOVE Lego, and I have dabbled in Mega-Blok waters, but I keep getting burned on Mega-Bloks. Maybe Balt is right, maybe they ARE upping their game. If so I'll gladly get a few Mega-Blok sets. But Goddamn it, the fit and build quality needs to serious the fuck up. I also require them to re-release upgraded versions of their Dragon sets. These robo-dragons are bullcrap, bring back my goblins and Norvgen!

  8. For me, I think they are great. They are really detailed and articulated. I bought the all of them for the marvel mega bloks series 3 and the only bad thing is the Mister Fantastic. His leg is not fixed in properly but other than that the rest are ok.

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