The Tinker | Class Spotlight | Conquest of Azeroth | World of Warcraft

Mcdoubles back again with a brand new video and today I give to you the Tinker class spotlight for Conquest of Azeroth – one of the coolest designs in the entire game. Hope you enjoy and let me know what you think in the comments!

Major shout out to Bangwig, who contributed massively to the modern Tinker class, and also Jimbles, thanks to both of you for helping design this class during the 50 alpha with me.

🤜Want more CoA Spotlights? Check out this playlist:

👉Want to see more general gaming content from me? Check out my most recent ES:IV Oblivion series!:
0:00-2:25 – Intro
2:26-3:56 – The Basics
3:57-4:41 – Talent Trees
4:42-7:10 – Mechanics Tinker
7:11-8:14 – Demolition Tinker
8:15-12:51 – Invention Tinker
12:52-16:40 – Design Hurdles
16:41-17:17 – Conclusion

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  1. @Mcdoubles please remove all of the Tinker spell reagents. They feel terrible and Coppy Bolts are currently 10g each because they are req for Minelayer Bot. PLEASE just get rid of needing reagents it feels bad when I level up, get a new skill, and then can't even use it or even afford to buy the reagents to use the spells.

  2. the collision LOS tinker ability should not work like that, People will grief choke points where noone can enter. Like an AH , house, quest npc, or maybe a narrow alleyway that leads to a zone like a cave entrance, the stv arena areas, deadwind pass into swamp. or used as object to get to areas by jumping on it not intended.
    maybe im over thinking it, as it probably has a low duration on the field.

  3. No tanking specc for tinker?
    When starting the video I really thought there would be a tank, as a mecha-suite with dampening effects would be so fitting in my opinion.

    Still definitly a cool class, especially if played as gnome with engeneering as profession.

  4. Yeah tinkers have so much options for gameplay and while the different guns was a cool idea and add to it also being riflemen, but is it as much of being a tinkerer. Honestly I am just curious of what if the turrets was for inventor and I am not sure on the names. I think inventor and mechanic should swap names because mechanics heal machinery to have it work again. Yes I understand the name is largely about getting the scrap to fix the shredder but to me I think people would instantly think the mechanic is the healer while inventor is the one that makes things like the shredder. Also I know it is too late for this idea but what if the beacons lasted longer and overcharging it causes it to malfunction with you then needing to consider if you want it to just wait to expire or put focus on repairing it. I think that would add to the fantasy with you actively working on the machines.

  5. Man, you guys crushed it… been playing invention/mechanics and it feels amazing. Love the passion of you and the rest of the team. Can wait to play the hell out of this game on release

  6. Gotta say, I definitely appreciate these CoA vids as an extremely new player of it. Started a few days ago and its nice to be able to see gameplay without having to level all them to find out their playstyles!

  7. I wish I could be hype for CoA but it feels like Wows version of a "seasonal realm"
    Great concept, but nothing will beat classless and how it's dominated for years.

    Looking forward to give it a go on the side

  8. 2:55 Some 'Rounds' thoughts: if there are specialty rounds that'd be sweet. High-explosive, dragons-breath, cryo, lightning/shock, etc.

    Hmm, something inspired by the gw2 combo system: mortar shot a sludge bomb (nature damage field) then shoot fire (dragons-breath) into it causing the field to explode. If that's too difficult on the back end then just hitting someone who's 'sludged' with fire could give them a short duration fire dot. That'd be a neat gameplay loop: keeping people 'sludged' so you can chain torch them.

    7:26 Oh look specialty rounds :3

  9. Hmm I thought that the mech suit will be a tank spec focusing on repairing it, adding shields and deal damage AoE damage. I like the concept of the torrets, but i will preffer it as a separate spec.

  10. Are there any classes that dont have 40 resources to manage? When every class has a "unique" resources that acts the same, theyre just reskins and over designed

  11. If you're gonna use a rifle, it looks to me like you're better off to keep being a hunter.
    Engineer is taking a big hit from that class though and it makes me sad in a way.
    Maybe the professions need a rework as well, to keep up to speed.

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