How Blizzard DESTROYED World of Warcraft Botting – The HonorBuddy War
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This video contains:
World of Warcraft
Blizzard World of Warcraft Bot
World of Warcraft HonorBuddy
What happened to HonorBuddy?
Blizzard Vs HonorBuddy
What happened between Blizzard and HonorBuddy
Blizzard wins 8.5 million dollar lawsuit with HonorBuddy
HonorBuddy sued
World of Warcraft Botting
World of Warcraft Honorbuddy Ban
Honor Buddy is dead!!!
Honorbuddy To Be Discontinued
Honorbuddy Discontinued
BossLand HonorBuddy
Did Blizzard Sue HonorBuddy?
"blizzard had the upper hand" Now nobody is playing the game
DMCA – if you have received one, obviously they know where you are already. The world wide web is just that – world wide. Borders are nothing.
Blizzard won the right to scan all the running processes on your computer, in case, you are doing/using something they don't like. Your privacy is directly at odds with their corporate needs. Who owns Blizzard? How many other games do they develop? Legal precedent means any game dev can scan your running processes. Anyone use Steam?…
after they smashed honorbuddy they introduced buy a lvl 100 toon for 60euro… before that the honorbuddy did that for you lvling 1-100 doing all the quests for you. this was nothing less than an obstacle for blizzard's merchandise. I dont think they cared much about BGs or farming.
Blow. Your. Nose.
botters littarly took over classic wow today and blizzard does not care at all anymore since shadowlands is coming… see video of asmongold:
holy fuck your voice is annoying. im sorry
Good to see imbeciles got what they deserved "empower players who have less time" fuck you, you absolute piece of shit. You play the game that you play and you earn what you earn. You dont get a machine to do the work for you because you are vile and greedy.
rip glider
Blow your nasty nose! Maybe next time wait until your feeling better to edit your video good god.
You dont think is kinda sad that blizzard had to sue honorbuddy to be able to stop them i see it as a weakness
Where's the loot?
Where's The Loot?
what the fu is wrong with your nose jesus blow it
after blizzard stop the bots , 75% from players quit the game
i so much miss botting on my resto druid in wow, damn the tuanha combat routine was the best. i had several top 10 ranks in mythic raids in WOD and legion. i was the best and now they ruined it blizzard the game is not fun without the bot. i think blizzard lost so much money on raiders in wow who used to bot like me.
but again now there is time for some other games
Why are you tslking like there is something showed up your nose?
Speak with your mouth and not your nose man. Sounds like you are saying autobuddy.
the fuck is wrong with ur voice ?
Where's the loot ??