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Can Phase 4 REDEEM Season Of Discovery? | Season Of Discovery | Classic WoW

It’s no secret that Season of Discovery is in a period of downtime at the moment. With phase 4’s release date being delayed, dissatisfaction with phase 3 and other WoW related game modes, times have been tough.
Phase 4 is shortly to be on the horizon though, with PTR testing, our classes’ full toolkits, traditional Vanilla endgame and more – so will it be enough to win people back over to Season of Discovery?

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  1. ive kinda changed my mind on 40 man content, i think it could be a relic of the past. I do think 40 man was the backbone of the community in classic but times have changed. Incursion were a big turn off, im not doing chores especially with no new pvp content, no reason for pvp players to play

  2. I really hope it will, the amount of work devs are putting into this is worth a praise.
    Not very fond of the the changes in p2 and p3 but I like that at least they're trying to come up with something new. massive respect for the wow classic team

  3. Season of Discovery has been extremely disappointing to me personally. I would have enjoyed a Classic with just the new skills added a lot more, all the in-between content (BFD, Ashenvale, Gnomeregan etc.) has been very low quality in my opinion.

  4. I want BRD RAID WAR breaching the city of blackrock with them dwarves trying to defend the gate or gunning you down from their houses, i wanna see armies collide and epic battles in the most epic dungeon designed ever in all games ever

  5. Too many phases, they should go 30-50-60
    Despite we being in the classic game, the phases felt like in retail, where each new phase removed bassicly everything from the previous phase. Runes are insanely powercreeped, sunfire is literally better moonfire for example. These were the maing things I didnt liked in SoD and hope to be changed in p4 with finally max level limit.

  6. Why is everyone assuming that the characters will be deleted ? Yes its seasonal but they never said that all the stuff is gone after one year just like seasons of mastery

  7. Blizzard completely fucked this season. Taking out gdkp to drop the value of gold and slow down gold buying. Great!!! Actually no, we're going to implement some huge gold sinks so people still buy gold. And then we're going to implement an insane repeatable quest hub to inflate the economy as much as we possibly can.

    The community forgot about why we wanted #nochanges real fast. Because we didnt trust modern day blizzard to not royally fuck up vanilla. And boy were we right 😂😂😂

    Theyre going to need to do something insane in p4 to save jt and i cant see them being bothered or putting the resources in to do it. They look short term no matter what theyre doing and its been the same way classics whole life cycle.

  8. P3 had the most content designed, take pen and paper and write everything down for yourself if you dont believe. And again, incursions have 4 huge points everybody seems to miss, first it needed way tiny development they just added phases quests and mobs, it would take endless time to design dungeons or whatever else you feel like. SECOND it gives the same farming potential for all classes and specs something that rly didnt happen in vanilla, mages and hunters were kings and rest were having alts. No pve warrior was farming or pve priest. Barely people had priest mains because they couldnt farm. THIRD incursions is actually playing the game. Its social you group, you do quests, you kill bosses, you outtag your faction, you can optimize the run in many ways, and you farm gold, as you would farm say spamming strat live (which id say would be more repetitive and instanced too). Also that makes bot gold farming less valuable. FOUR you actually get to play your pve toon in something social and PVE. In p1 i was gearing from bfd to farm rfk and p2 i was gearing from gnomer to solo uldaman…WOW..incursions killed the outdoors not.

  9. i loved SOD p1 and p2 but quit in p3 because of:

    – inflation caused by incursions made it economically impossible to buy consumables for a semi-casual player like myself.
    – ST being 20man combined with the fairly high difficulty made it impossible to pug.
    – ST being 20man in general making it hard to fill raids.

  10. LETS ALL GO FOR NEW FRESH VANILLA SERVER! 29 June, free to play, experienced team, server with history of being very good. Lets fuck the subs for that company and go enjoy good ol vanilla FRESH. Nothing is better than FRESH server.

  11. Im not coming back to that shit. Honestly, I am going back to Classic/Vanilla. Only phase good was phase 1. 29 June starts new fresh Starfall server with thousands of player. Cannot wait to go back to REAL AZEROTH. Once they balance shit and start once SoD again without unplayable classes in PVP, I can maybe buy sub again. Otherwise, lovely vanilla server starting 29 June

  12. Sorry you lost me a bit, I don't buy at all that by the second reset of 2019 classic no one could find a tank for 60 dungeons.

    I played on an absolutey dead server and those dungeons popped off for all of phase 1-6 of Vanilla.

  13. How about they don’t publish what new content they put in the game so everything remains mystery? Feel like exploring and casually finding out new things is what makes this game the way it was intended.

  14. Bots bots bots bots bots bots bots bots bots bots bots bots bots bots bots bots bots bots bots bots bots bots bots bots bots bots bots bots bots bots bots bots bots bots bots bots bots bots bots bots bots bots bots bots bots bots bots bots bots bots bots bots bots bots bots bots bots bots bots bots bots bots bots bots bots bots bots bots bots bots bots bots bots bots bots bots bots bots bots bots bots bots bots bots bots bots bots bots bots bots bots bots bots bots bots bots bots bots bots bots bots bots bots bots bots bots bots bots bots bots bots bots bots bots bots bots bots bots bots bots bots bots bots bots bots bots bots bots bots bots bots bots bots bots bots bots bots bots bots bots bots bots bots bots bots bots bots bots bots bots bots…

  15. For me its Just the time. I have normaly 2-3 hours for playing WoW.
    So i had to choose between cata and sod.
    Cata wins the race, much more fun when you dont have much Time but a lot to do, if you want

  16. Seasons are a great way to experiment things but I can't waist my time yet again with no prospect of a future for my investment.

    For instance, if I knew for sure that no matter what I can transfer my characters (for free) eher Verb i want, then yeah.

    This rune thing is fine to test hoe abilities can be integrated into classic but ultimately they should just be turned into talent points, especially if devs want us to play more characters.

    I really hope devs start building a trie classi+ experience from the results of these experimental seasons.

  17. They need to announce whether or not the raids are going to be 40 man NOW. And save us all the grief of getting hyped over nothing. Making the raids 40 man will instantly put the nail in the coffin of this already dying game. Level 60 end game is where we’ll be spending a long time as it’s the final phase. Phase 1-3 was just leveling brackets used to test stuff. Now with no more leveling after this, there is no excuse for them to not tune classes correctly. And since it’s the last phase a PtR is 100% necessary.

    I also find it so funny how everyone jumped shit from the garbage pvp servers and now the pve servers are the top servers. It’s almost like no one actually wants to play on a pvp server in 2024 and streamers who quit the game in one week ruined everything as usual. Thankfully crusader strike which was the original streamer server is dying and the pve servers for both eu and usa are thriving. With the addition of even more world buffs in p4, absolutely no one has time for the nonsensical DMF buff camping, priest dispelling songflower, etc. none of this shit belongs in a modern version of wow. Vanilla wow pvp isn’t pvp, it’s just an unbalanced shitshow. Zero skill involved at all unlike PvP on retail or cata.

    Those saying they want 40 man raids are blinded by nostalgia. The logistics of that on a seasonal server no less, are ridiculous. Keep it to one 40 man gimmick raid at most.

  18. the worst part of p3 hands down has been all the negativity from people, first rodeo with classic for a lot of folks and with new age blizz running concurrent versions of wow … sometimes we are gonna be on the backburner for the wow token / boost games. devs gotta eat. people acting like blizz just broke into their homes and murdered their families

  19. Complaining that stuff takes too long or needs multiple people is why you’ll never get back to that authentic classic experience. Talking about rushing to max level was not the point back in the day.

  20. Sadly the season part of season of discovery has really hit harder and harder, many of us had hopes for it to turn into classic plus. But with the Devs focusing less and less time. My guild and friends have quit. So no point in me coming back t play by my self on a game mode that will just go away and we lose all that time.
    I also have no interest in doing MC and ONY AGAIN…. This the 4th time? 5th time?

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