The Reaper | Class Spotlight | Conquest of Azeroth | World of Warcraft

Mcdoubles back again with a brand new video and today we jump on the Reaper and I tell you all about every aspect of it. Have any thoughts about the Reaper? Let me know in the comments!

🤜Want more CoA Spotlights? Check out this playlist:

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0:00-1:57 – Intro
1:58-5:28 – The Basics
5:29-7:35 – Talent Tree
7:36-9:07 – Harvest Reaper
9:08-10:51 – Domination Reaper
10:52-12:45 – Soul Reaper
12:46-15:11 – Conclusion

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  1. Is it just me or has each and every one these custom classes this far basically been do-it-all-druids?
    Seems like all of them has a tank, a healer, and at least one dps specc.

    WoW Retail stopped being fun the more homogenized the classes got, and it feels like every class can nowadays do a bit of everything. It clashed with the whole idea of the class restrictions in play.
    Still, it's nothing compared to what I've seen of CoA. It's like Blizzard giving Rogues a healing specc or Priests running around tanking next expansion.

    What about class identity? Idk. Like discussing design hurdles: Does everyone, every single one of us – actually need to be able to run around and do absolutely everything, is that good?

    I mean; if I want my character to be able to do anything, I'd rather preferr it to be completely unrestricted like on Area 52 or the Seasonal servers.
    But if I want to play something with class restrictions, then some comittment to class identity is to be expected.

    I hope this all won't ammount to a soup where the only thing that matters are the 4 different types of speccs: ranged dps, melee dps, tank, healer where the classes themselves are just cosmetical flavor fluff:
    -I want a fire healer.
    -I'd like a mech-warrior healer.
    -Me, I'd like a star healer.
    -Ooooh… I like stars! But I want to tank.

    Reaper healer?
    Just because you could work out a way to have it make some sense doesn't mean you had to do it. Just because you can doesn't mean you should – Just because it's possible doesn't mean it's neccessary. Just because you can find a way to squeeze square-shaped blocks through triangular holes doesn't mean it's correct.

    Maybe I'm wrong.

    I'm not hating on it, but the execution does confuse me. Like: I don't want to be a buzzkill and sound like a dick about it, I'm just saying… It'll be interresting to see how a Barbarian healer gets justified… just… lol!

  2. Reaper along with Starcaller and Templar are my fav classes so far with Templar being number 1 because i love carpal tunnel specs and Templar reduces its own GCD so much

  3. In terms of numbers, where does the team want CoA to feel like? Vanilla? V+? Wotlk? Retail? Current Ascension?

    I just don't really like doing 10 – 30k DPS with 6k HP, then going into pvp and my abilities are nerfed by 75 – 95% making it next to impossible to tell what is good for damage in pvp due to such a vast difference in pve number bloat.

  4. McDoubles, can you pwetty pwease reverse the changes done to Animation? The Desecrator talent extending the duration of Flesh to Worms instead of refreshing Animate: Zombie's cooldown(s) is stinky.

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