AutoHotkey and SpellqueueWindow in World of Warcraft Classic


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  1. Hello, was wondering if people who use AHK hold down Overpower? Wouldn't this be a decent advantage because on average OP hits the hardest (though Revenge may have higher highs when crit.) You can make AHK spam OP for you and it will always go off before your other clicks? Because sometimes I get a random OP proc, but my mind is already locked in on spaming another spell and I don't change in time, so my OP gets delayed until next global and I lose dps. Thanks for replying and please let me know if I misunderstood something.

  2. At the surface level this sounds like it could be viewed as an accessibility setting for arthritis or something similar to where you can’t spam a key over and over. But it’s crazzzyyy how elaborate and cheesy this can be.

  3. autohotkey and "hold to cast" are miles away to be same thing. WIth autohotkey comes package of programms such as pqr etc + can be macroed, with "hold to cast" you can't macro. Huge difference you just "forget" to mention that "slightly" difference. Btw don't even try to bullshit me ahk don't contain "other" programs i'm fully aware of that but the fact is you use ahk as a block what you actually use with ahk advantage 🙂

  4. If you AHK you are cheating. It’s very simple. What deranged story you’ve told yourself to justify having a script play your game for you is just sad. Why even play at this point in pvp? Your accomplishments are not your own, but should be credited to the programmers of the script lol. It’s like using an aim bot in an FPS. Pathetic.

  5. Honestly I wouldn't call it a cheat. I bet many more PvE than PvP players rather use it but ofcourse, PvP is where egos get hurt. :'D
    Simply deal with the fact that any warrior would actually use it to maximize the potential of their class rather than not to.
    People should be more worried about them pixel bots and automated rotations nowadays.

  6. Can you please tell me why when i restart or turn off my pc, i have to redownload the script completely because when i try to run it from my AHK folder it says "error blank parameter"

  7. You're pretty dumb bruh. You don't think this is an unfair advantage because it's just taking advantage of the game's ability? And you think that you should be punished for mistakes with this? Interesting take… the unfair advantage piece comes in where software is doing those punishments for you vs you having to do them. You have to be an idiot to not realize how big that is.

  8. This is an unfair advantage in PvP simply because this is not in-build option in wotlk. You can't say "just install AHK and have the same advantage". In DF you can tick the box in in-game menu and you are done and everybody can do the same. In wotlk why would I install a 3rd party program that interfere and automate certain in game actions? There is no line to cross between an innocent quality of life improvement and hardcore pvp scripts, according to TOS. Thus, there is no principal difference between AHK and auto kick, vanish dodge/stealth sap spam for rogues, auto SW death to break SS for priest that makes you almost immortal etc

  9. U drastically ruining the game with this video honestly i wish u never uploaded this hack. Cuz it is a 3rd party program. Now with this video theres gonna be even more hackers doing more dmg than u kicking and overpowering in the same gcd . Ive seen this all u cant compare a normal persons dmg to a scripters dmg…

  10. of course its an unfair advantage, you are using a 3rd party software to enhance ur gameplay, it speeds up certain actions like a weapon swap spell reflect macro dramatically, even if you could (and you can't) average only missing 10ms per global, you are missing out on multiple entire spell casts over the duration of a boss fight, or an arena game. the speed at which u can dispel team mates is also insanely unfair, using a turbo switch (AHK how you described it) with a dispel macro for you entire team, the debuff wont even be shown, making it impossible for a normal player to Immolate->Conflag for example, a human will NEVER be able to match the speed of a script.

    The interaction of certain abilities and how they work with Spellqueue windows also comes in here, AHK Abuse for arms warriors in PVP is MASSIVE because you cannot use the spellqueue window on overpower before you actually get the overpower procc. the same is true for any other similar abilities (OOC proccs on Feral druids etc)

    This isnt even close to being debateable, not only does Blizzards own ruling say so, but their rules are pretty wack on the use of 3rd party software, so take that how you will, but TL;DR: No 3rd party program that interacts with the game in any way is allowed unless explicitly said so by Blizard entertainment. this is a catch all ruling that is used to make life easier for them though, and many programs are used such as Display software that turns ur monitor orange, that would technically not be allowed since blizzard themselves have not explicitly said so, yet no one in their right mind would call that cheating. this is 100% an unfair advantage that gives you a massive competitive edge in PVP and PVE Alike.

    I am not sure how you could possibly say otherwise with more than 3 seconds of thought, no matter how convenient it is for you, how it helps with your wrist pain, or how smooth it feels gameplay wise to use, any sane human being would be able to look past their own Bias and recognize that this is a an advantage created by 3rd party software, it is as simple as it gets, completely black and white and insanely obvious. you might want to use it regardless of that, which at the end of the day is up to you, but it would make you a cheater untill Blizzard says otherwise.

  11. "You get an advantage, but not an unfair advantage" what? This is fkin stupid, and all due respect, if your fingers hurt that much playing a game maybe you should play another game instead or another class? or switch ur keybinds, make macros, whatever.

  12. Lmk if I understand this correctly pls: AHK doesn't make you faster because of spell queue window, making your next spell go off instantly next gcd because it's been queued up from you button mashing, which is np for anyone without RSI. It ONLY gives you an advantage if enemy leaves a gap in their CC chain where you can use a spell super fast inbetween by holding down a keybind, but that's hardly going to impact your rating by very many points. The issue lies with people using rotation bots & kick bots, but pointless accuse others of that without blatant proof. Poss to see if someone kick bots with enough clips, but a bit harder to notice PQR ig.

  13. autohotkey should be permabannd is not a addon is a simpel second party programm script only reason why they dont bann it is pvp pop 5%, you was never Glad since you have that shit 2900+ 😀 same as all the Warmane warriors they would all loos 600 Rating without it press 3 buttons rest make the programm is a Joke.

  14. Hi there buddy
    Firstly I wanna thank for clear description and information that you share really apperciate it <3
    I am using windows 10 enterprise version on my pc but when I am running ahk while playing wow and I am in arenas for example and I need to spam buttons like crazy(as warrior for eg) it causes my windows to stop working,the blue screen pops off and say's "Your Windows ran into a problem and needs to restart"
    I just wanted to know if by any chance did the same thing happen for you or do you know how to fix it?
    Also what do you think it happens for ? Is it because of windows or ahk app?(I used different ahk scripts which I took from other streamers aswell but problem didn't solve)
    I apologize for my long comment and thank you again!

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