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The Witch Hunter | Class Spotlight | Conquest of Azeroth | World of Warcraft

Mcdoubles back again with a brand new video and today we check out the Witch Hunter on Conquest of Azeroth! Have any thoughts? Let me know in the comments below!

Grats to Wabizke for winning the CoA giveaway!

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0:00-1:10 – Intro
1:11-1:29 – CoA Giveaway
1:30-2:38 – The Basics
2:39-3:19 – Talent Tree
3:20-4:45 – Boltslinger Witch Hunter
4:46- 6:27 – Darkness Witch Hunter
6:28-8:06 – Inquisition Witch Hunter
8:07-10:50 – Black Knight Witch Hunter
10:51-12:27 – Design Hurdles
12:28-12:59 – Conclusion

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  1. What actually is CoA? What will be the main identity of it? Will there be more focus on openworld and group play? Atm it just feels like Ascension with classes.

  2. Not gonna lie here, I've watched almost every class spotlight for CoA so far and overall i was very happy with the classes, but Black Knight hit me different. Now i realy wanna tryout this class, let's see if i can get a CoA access. Character name is Boi – Elune

  3. I really enjoy the themeing of this class. So obviously the default is very duskwood/gillnean/Scarlet crusade in mind but it has the right amount of vagueness for others to use. From a tauren looking for grimtotems to a night elf looking for things effected by the nightmare or fel magic. Choosing a target/targets and using your skills to purge evils from the world. From users of dark forbidden magic like necromancy to altered monsters such as a undead bat.

  4. For me witch hunting/inquisition will be associated with Warhammer 40K Inquisition or Grey Knights. But also I just remembered that there were witch hunters in BfA in Drustvar (that zone ended up to be my favorite of all BfA zones). Just for the rp pvp the gun and melee dps spec looks cool, I mean who doesn't want to feel himself like real Inquisitor xD
    Aldente – Elune

  5. Class feels great, been one of my favorites, even during the awkward dual crossbow stabbing animations LOL vault looks meh… but it’s still fun!

  6. Madgreytwo – Elune

    I wonder if at some point the team could update vault into an actual vault? Like quickly pull out a pole and fling yourself with it like olympics 😂
    Or change to somersault?

  7. i want to try Coa so bad i cant wait till it gets cheaper in store or becomes in a open beta these videos get me so hype….. are we gonna see anymore 1-60 vids with other classes not just class spotlight vids? anyways keep it up – Zendrax elune server

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