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Life Goes On by Del.
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  1. So he's using alt F4 then spending 8½ minutes watching him log into those toons and bringing them to ICC. Editing? What's that? Anyway, from that point on is what you want (if you have a life to live outside this video.)

  2. So I did this just now. Blood queen had the shadow edge mark on her and said her soul would be taken by the weapon, so I killed her however it didn't complete the quest, I my 2nd toon timed out I'm not to sure qhat happened but I know I saw the mark on her before she dies. Maybe I killed her with my dka scourge strike however the axe was my weapon, any ideas? :'( was hoping to complete it right now so I can farm some soul frags and reset tomorrow for a quicker chain

  3. Brilliant video! I have put off my shadowmourne for years knowing that this step existed. Never knew it was soloable but you explained it very simply and I did it first time. Massive thanks

  4. Still works today in DF 10.2.6.
    Just make sure to not put a tank as twink there, seems like they will die just before you can bite them.

    Thanks mate for the guide mate!

  5. Thank you so much! Did this in DF, 10.2.5. c: Still works! Although I followed what someone commented here and opened WoW x2 and just reconnect swapped between so I didn't have to alt-f4. (My computer wasn't fast enough for the alt-f4 method)

  6. Thank you! I was able to complete this quest after all these years! I had issue with all my toons being present at once for some reason, but in the end – it worked like a charm! Graphics set to min, all addons disabled, I was loading in quite fast.

  7. I did this correctly two weeks in a row now and it is not counting. the only thing i notice is that the shadowmourne toon is max level but thats it. idk what to do

  8. you're a life saver for people like me who has zero friends in wow ! so far i've done this with 2 chars. first one was a bit chaotic but the 2nd one was really smooth, changing rams did help too but anyone should be able to do it with 2 clients , thanks for the video man

  9. Dude Thank you a million times over!!! I actually was on the shortlist for Shadowmourne back in wotlk and I never got it. But later on when the content was soloable I got to this point in the quest line but never had any friends nice enough to stick around and complete it with me.

    Did in the first try. THANK YOU!!!!

  10. Thanks so much man! took me 2 trys to get it set up right for sure had to turn off my addons but worked great! ive had this quest in my pallys log book since I was the offtank in icc during wrath so happy to finally get it finished!

  11. Thank you so much for this! It took me a couple of tries, but once I got some practice it was honestly pretty easy to get this done. I completed this in 10.1.7 so as of Dragonflight, this method still works.

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