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The Ranger | Class Spotlight | Conquest of Azeroth | World of Warcraft

Mcdoubles back again with a brand new video and today we do the final Class Spotlight for CoA’s level 60 alpha – The Ranger. Let me know what you think in the comments!

Grats to Holydefias for winning last videos CoA giveaway!

🤜Want more CoA Spotlights? Check out this playlist:

👉Want to see more general gaming content from me? Check out my most recent ES:IV Oblivion series!:
0:00- 1:09 – Intro
1:10-1:28 – CoA Giveaway
1:29-3:11 – The Basics
3:12-4:14 – Talent Tree
4:15-6:16 – Farstrider Ranger
6:17-7:44 – Archery Ranger
7:45-11:40 – Brigand Ranger
11:41-16:18 – Design Hurdles
16:19-18:09 – Final Thoughts (End of class spotlights, shout outs)

🛎️ If you missed my last video make sure to check it out here:

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  1. I have one question about CoA. I noticed that I can have only 10 characters at once, that's the limit, so is it going to be changed (I mean by increasing that limit)?

  2. Quackmanfran – Elune

    Farstrider sounds so unique! I'd love to give a ranged support a try. Also thanks for these class spotlights! They've been my favorite content this summer.

  3. No love for Area 52, oh well, I love the theory crafting. I made a sniper build that was going for this type of play. I did make characters on season 8 and 9 to try.

    Optmsprymcut has been one name in both seasons.

  4. When are QoL changes coming to CoA, Even the dumb-dumbs in retail lets you mess around for free with talents reset to mess around, CoA is in alpha and you need to pay mark/talent purges to mess around?

  5. imho ranger combo points can just be called "setup"
    you set people up for a fall, you set up your big attack, you set up to make sure the stun takes.
    you have stacks of setup.

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