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Goblins & Ethereals! The Patches of War Within REVEALED! 11.1 & 11.2

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World of Warcraft, The War Within has an opening 11.0 patch that features a host of new zones on Khaz Algar like the Isle of Dorn, Hallowfall, the Ringing Deeps and Azj Kahet… bu what about after that? Where will be heading in patches 11.1 and 11.2? Datamining appears to have given us very strong hints that they will involve a goblin raid and an Ethereal raid, so let’s talk about what that means! Is it time to finally visit the Undermine in patch 11.1? Will we be going to the Ethereal homeworld K’aresh in patch 11.2? Join us to find out!

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  1. Kinda sad we are normalizing the 2 major patches per expansion thing. I don't think it needs to be a choice between one (more major patches, less minor patches in between) and the other (1 less raid, more content in between) because Blizzard has the resources (and time) to do both. Also I don't think when Metzen said about getting expansions out sooner he was referring to even faster than DF, I think he was just referring to DF's speed, which was EXTREMELY fast and short (DF won't be even 2 years old before TWW comes out). I really hope they go back to having 3 major patches per expansion, DF's story felt incomplete (just look at the amount of loose threads) with only 2 raids and Fyrakk feels like he was upgraded to an end boss midway through, which was super awkward.

  2. This game sucks so much now its actually hillarious.
    Its designed for boomer parents now, go share funny GIF images on the forums while rubbing your anti aging cream in thicc to stop the wrinkles. Dont forget the anti grey hair shampoo while you do your daily's lmao.

  3. I want K'aresh to be it's own expansion. A Patch just seem to be kind of less. I want the return of good old outlands experience but with a different world with new playable race like ethereals that start at level 1 instead of 10.

  4. I honestly don’t mind the season 4 “awakened” seasons. Good opportunity to grab some awesome tmog gear and feel a bit OP. Nice reward for all the grinding all expac long. For everything else In Metzen I trust!

  5. I think any ethereal heavy expansion without playable etherals will end up a disappointment for many players. It is hard to see how they could be playable, but I think it'd be worth it to try with how excited everyone is for…taller rocky dwarves and all.

  6. Hey guys you don't need to follow the new trend of holding your microphone on camera. You don't need to follow zoomer trends when your audience is all like 30! 😂

    (it's not necessarily bad just saying you don't like, need to do it for engagement or whatever)

  7. This would be a good time to add the Protectorate as a rep faction, them being the ethereals we aided in defeating the sliver of Dimensius in Netherstorm. Plus they outright hate the Ethereum, the ethereals who began turning to the Void in TBC, and tried again in Legion, so they would be an obvious pick for an allied force!

  8. I already didn't like the underground bit in Dragon Flight. I don't need a whole underground expansion. It sounds like it will have a fun storyline and a p.o.s. game.

  9. I don't care for Goblins at all, but if they give us a highly interactive island experience like the Gnome Island patch in BFA I'd love it (totally blanking on the name). Goblins are meh, but their tech esthetic is unique and it would be cool to see what they come up with.

  10. I am BEGGING YOU to stop making your video titles spoilery. It's a TREND. This one is one of the more minor ones but you've revealed information that would otherwise not yet be known, or not known until playing in the TITLES OF YOUR VIDEOS.

    STOP IT. STOP. IT'S NOT COOL. Not everyone in the community, or everyone who follows you, is in the brainrot crowd that doesn't care if they know everything in advance. Many of us want to know NOTHING.

  11. If war within will have ONLY 3 raids…again I don't give a fuck anymore I quit never to return. Shadowlands with no content was bad, but I can understand. DF is a slap to the face with the most patches and the least TRUE content (aka raids, nothing else matters). If they keep this shit going I won't let them scam me anymore

  12. Yes just like the very famous "drust raid" from SL that we all remember and love :O (jk hope we get those id does sound like a good Idea, an Argus-like Karesh would rule)

  13. What if we loose the fight with the last boss in the K'aresh raid, and in out escape we lead them straight to Azeroth and the Sun Well its self?

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