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Riot changed Aurora’s design and people are…THIRSTY

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  1. As someone who gets diagnosed as autistic by their teammates on daily basis, I am happy to see Riot added a champion that can resonate with me.

  2. I don't care if she kinda autistic, i'm okay with that, but the overall design is attractive and sexy. Red hair, glasses, cute face, damn, she is my crush! Some might say I'm objectifying her, but hey! You also took notice of her because of her cute and appealing design, didn't you?

  3. tbh riot kinda needs more sexualization, its kinda hypocritical they sexualize males all the time yet females cant be sexy anymore due to woke political bs, people like looking at sexy characters people like playing sexy characters, hell look at how people like playing the sexy af gragas

  4. I think it's cool that they finally made a toplane champion, and then decided to shift her into midlane. I think midlane doesn't get nearly enough releases while toplane is saturated. I mean, what was the las toplaner that got released? Ksante? Gwen? Meanwhile poor midlaners only just got naafiri and hwei, and now Aurora. I hope the next champion will be a midlaner as well, because this is getting ridiculous.

  5. Aurora's kit in a nutshell:
    Passive – 3 hit passive in 2024 because originality is not a thing anymore,
    Q – Lux Q 1:1 without the Root ,
    W – Shaco Q 1:1 BUT with windup animation 😮,
    E – Vel'koz W 1:1 without the closing dmg (crazy ik 😮),
    R – Anivia ult 1:1 without slow and added random walls in 2024 with bilion blinks champions (Looks @Katarina)

    Can't wait for her to have 60% winrate day 1

    Overall I think that the game is slowly killing itself with the release of new champions, instead it would be better if old champions got reworked as they deserve for example zilean because they could potentialy provide better profit rather than making a new champion, for example evelynn and akali look how much profit they made also fiddlesticks and warwick are iconic now with their reworks but NOOOO we need a bunny judy hops waifu with Ctrl C Ctrl V abilities just so we don't need to make any freljord champion for next 5 years.

  6. Bro who tweeted that found out that being gay is, in fact, pretty gay lmao. He's getting fired for sure, it's like the shit people posted back when being an asshole online was the norm lol

  7. Jesus Christ, it's ok for women to be sexy! If you wear stockings, that will happen.
    I swear to god, this time next year the Twitter crowd is going to stone us in the streets for going outside with exposed ankles while screaming about being feminists.
    "Here, wear this hijab. You might be considered attractive and we, as feminists, can't have that."

  8. Considering that none of his chest is exposed I would consider it simply making changes to the champion's attributes and not necessarily sexualizing, although it is true that the change is unnecessary, I do like the new splash art better, so it is likely that the change also influence that by better highlighting the white and bright color palette

  9. Riots (lack of balance) team being on the spectrum. FINALLY IT ALL MAKES SENSE NOW! No really, think about it only ADHD devs could think this much one shot, mobility anti outplay champs and lack of any tankiness is fun.

  10. Not sure why riot feel the need to stamp the autistic label on aurora, and what I mean by this is that there is another champion (extremely similar in design) that is very evidently autistic, and she wasn't plastered with the autistic label. I'm talking about Lillia. My autistic friend likes Lillia because: "she's literally me" so It's really evident that they've reached the inclusivity and representation quota already. Of course I shouldn't need to say this, but having more autistic champions shouldn't be taken off the table, and should remain a thing. The real problem I among others have is that riot will make a champion, and just slap the label on that they're autistic, without using the "show don't tell" principle of effective character design. Basically riot being lazy and/or admitting they can't be bothered ACTUALLY making the champion autistic. And that's where the issue lies.

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