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Phase 4 News Just Dropped… And It’s HUGE! | Season of Discovery | Classic WoW

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Blizzard’s phase 4 rundown was just released, confirmed the next phase for Season of Discovery to be starting on July 11th. This phase will raise the level cap to 60 and will get us started on Vanilla World of Warcraft’s endgame with a seasonal twist.
Today I go over all the news that has dropped and get you up to speed with everything you’ll want to know.
This is why Phase 4 News Just Dropped… And It’s HUGE! | Season of Discovery | Classic WoW

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  1. Every single wow video I watch I stray further and further away from ever playing it again.
    Its just such a terrible game, terrible playerbase, on top of that cringe story and ultra cringe company behind it.

    Ye its a game for parents and old people now, for shame

  2. Sod p4 will just be a sad let down. No doubt room temp iq players will still go crazy for it because its nice and brain numblingly easy for them. Crack brewskis with the 50 year old boys and click 2 buttons for 30 min a week.

  3. Season of "Discovery" died with P2, when interesting new stuff stopped like new specs and interesting runes easy enough to find through individual discovery ceased come in. Instead, Blizzard brilliantly decided "Let's add more of the same, and repeat all the shit that made WoW an increasingly repetitive, toxic and unfun game over the years."
    WoW team makes me think that they can only create good gameplay by mistake, and they "correct" it by doing the "right things" they can't or refuse to unlearn.

  4. phase 4 pvp will be dead x2 mc,only,blw and world bosses a week and rank 10 right after launch and with the pvp gear being left behind the pve gear getting updates pvp is dead.

    sod wo;; be dead after the first month of release its not worth it for me to come back.

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  6. Druid T0,5 is still bugged and has it's shoulders positioned wrongly on the left side of the character… I reported the bug for 6 years and the bug still persists. Damn, that is bad 🙁

  7. Remove world buffs or have a limit of 1 World buff at a time.. only reason why i stopped playing classic is because of the abuse of World buff and that you must have em in every raid because of the sweatlords..

  8. Uppside to WB’s:
    – Players get a ”fun” power spike and big numbers.
    – Blizzard can make up for bad class balance.
    – Collecting them could be fun and thrilling IF you remove the chronoboon (even if that makes it so that you have to raidlog).

    Downsides of WB’s:
    – Weekly tedious chore that gives 0 dopamines and basically only cost time and/or gold for summon and a cleared instance. So you might aswell be able to buy them from a vendor.
    – Makes deaths and wipes unnecessarily punishing for everyone. Imagine if you could just rebuff and still be able to do good parses after a wipe…
    – Makes content far to easy and borring since everything has to be tuned for a raid without WB’s.
    – Creates a toxic community where even the casuals are forced to put in several hours of gameplay just to be able to join a PUG.

    Im 100% sure that if they removed the effect of WB’s from raids it would do NOTHING bad for the community.

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