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10 Heroic Sacrifices In World of Warcraft

10 Heroic Sacrifices In World of Warcraft
WoW Top 10
WoW Lore

Join me in today’s top 10 as we cover some of the most heroic and selfless sacrifices that WoW’s story has to offer. A little thing to note by the way, in the Chronicles novel it states word for word that Zakajz was killed by the hands of Tyr, but in legion we see that Zakajz is still alive in one of the artifact weapon questlines. A little loophole in the story that I should have mentioned in the video but forgot to.

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Music provided by Epidemic Sounds
(I do not own the music in this video.) No copyright infringement intended.

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  1. Bolvar was also Anduin's advisor while Varian was away in Vanilla/BC.

    Also, wasn't Broxigar Varok's (Old soldier) brother?

    You missed some great bots here.

  2. I do totally not understand how Illidan did not make this list. Yes he was a 'bad guy' and made some bad choices. But ALL of his badness and choices (arguably even his power lust) can be attributed to his will to fight the Legion. Imprisoned by his own brother for 10,000 years.. Became a demon to fight the demons. Fight fire with fire.. Illidan is one of my favourite characters in the whole universe so yes im biased but his sacrifice is much too great to ignore imo. Great list though all the same

  3. Yet Sylvanas didn’t get rewarded in the afterlife for her heroic sacrifice in life. Instead she got punished by fighting honorably and left her an eternity of suffering.

  4. Krucial you are not the funniest nor do you have the best content, but you are the greatest story teller and you inspire glory and inspiration with the way you are telling them. I'm training with your stories in my earsbuds. When i'm sad or i need motivation again i'm watching your videos.Thank you for that!(orc fist to the chest)

  5. At the Krokul Hovel on Argus, there is a small cave located up the path between Gaal and Ke'nath. The cave contains "memento's of our old way of life." says Archivist Ionaa. When you click on the Shrine of the Great Warrior, it reads as follows:

    "Long after the emerald flame took our home, the Legion took to open a gate to a new world. Never had they lusted for any conquest as much as this lush, primitive land.

    Just as their armies set forth, a green-skinned warrior stepped through the gate. He wielded a single blade – – and roared a single cry for battle.

    Mountains of flesh and bone grew as he carved through the demons' ranks. His defiance drew the attention of the Dark One – – who came to see his end.

    The warrior struck but one blow before he fell, but it was never forgotten…"

    The green-skinned warrior was known to the keldorei as Broxigar the Red, the mortal who slayed an army and wounded a corrupt titan.

  6. Should also mention about Broxigar that it was that tiny wound he managed to inflict upon Sargeras that distracted Sargeras for a moment, allowing them to close the portal. Without that, Azeroth would have fallen. His brother would later inflict a similar wound on Sylvannas to accomplish the same. In both instances, they managed to win the war despite losing the battle by acting selflessly.

  7. Wait sylvanas is on here?Why? LOL She didn't sacrifice herself lol she just lost a fight and became arthas's bitch for a while.Sylvanas lost because she was over confidant lol

  8. I don't play World Of Warcraft but I saw this video and thought why not this seems interesting. When I got to #1 I broke out into tears and fell in love with Darion Mograine.

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