Spotlight of Immortalized Legend Ahri with ingame gameplay!
Purchase RP here (Amazon Affiliate – NA):
Price: 32430 / 59260 for Signature aka $500
Skin name is CONFIRMED as Immortalized Legend Ahri, particles & SFX may not be final.
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00:00 Ahri Form 1
02:05 Champion Kill VFX
02:27 Ahri Form 2
04:48 Ahri Form 3
06:56 Form 3 Ult HUD
07:51 Turret Kill VFX
08:01 Passive on Minions
08:07 Crit
08:14 Announcer HUD UI
08:31 RIP Form 1 and Homeguard
08:51 RIP Form 3 and Homeguard
09:12 Signature Edition Turret Kill VFX and Special Ctrl 5 Emote
Disappointed of faker
elementalist lux is better than this
Her dance kinda slaps tho
ain't no way people gonna buy that shit to go 0/10 in silver
for the price i'd expect it to have unique animations, voice lines and champion interactions. This skin needs to do a lot more, instead they've done about as much effort as a standard skin with a huge price tag that is only accessible to 1% of the player base
Is there a difference between the $250 variant and the $500 variant except Faker's signature?
this is not worth it
Leona's legendary skin is much better
it looks heave using it
As a makn ahri since season 6…yeah I'm boycotting this too
just there is no better than lux elemintalist skin
The thing is this skin even sucks if this was good I was like maybe mid version is worth it. Mid version should have been 5k and be the skin what an absolute clusterfuck.
Awesome skin but for $500 lmaoooo
This is what Prestige should be like, not the white and gold versions of skins.
It would have been more reasonable to price this as a prestige skin
the so called "transcended" skin is same as legendary not even ultimate
Holly schit 500 dollars for this
… it's just a skin! And no Pentakill animation… that's poor…
It's a shame that the artists worked so hard on a skin virtually no one is going to be able to use.
you are telling me all the recall are the same for every form and I gotta pat $500 ??
520 RP skin
Rito should give us Zed or Leb an ultimate skin instead of Ahri.
The sad thing about this skin is that if Riot would sell it for like 150-200 dollars, they would get so much more money from us.
50만원짜리 아리 스킨은 가격이 부담스러워서 안사고, 25만원짜리로 구매해서 사용해봤는데 이쁨
Worth every penny with the added lb chroma and other stuff
does anyone know if I can get the moving profile picture in the loading screen with the immortalized bundle (30k RP)?
is it legendary?
I'm not buying the skin because of a boycott, I'm not buying the skin because I can't fucking afford it.
What? 500 USD just for ingame skin and also didn't worth anything. Riot getting more greedy just like other big AAA Company outhere , for 500 USD spend on this single didn't worth anything but worthless. LoL is pretty a dead-end game already.
For 500 USD , please spend wisely , I rather put into Bitcoin or Gold or Nvidia , rather than this worthless skin
Very disappointed.
When Lux skin is way better and so old now and cheaper
the way the skin is called 500 dollar Shri skin is insane
I hope people dont fall for this. If it wasn't related to faker, prices wouldn't be so high and its just another nice looking ahri skin. But people will fall for it because of how ridiculously high the price is only bc it's linked to one of the best LOL players. And just with any other skin you buy, the dopamine is only temporarily. I bet in few months, you already forgot this skins sits in your collection.
+ tip
this looks sick we have to buy this
Remember to boycott this for at least a year
bro the skin's not even that good…
And what exactly is the reasoning for this being $500?
Pool party ahri when
I bought it because I'm a skin collector. It's not worth it do, but it's good to have
glad i quit league. idk how y’all deal with the greed man. it’s just getting worse. everyone just needs to quit, there are a boat load more better games than this pile of shit
I’m not gonna lie, it is a cool skin. But it’s not worth $500. Ahri already has several other skins which are as good as, if not better than this
Christ, I will never understand people. If you don't like it, DON'T BUY IT. If you think it's too expensive, DON'T BUY IT.
Maybe try expending that outrage on some shit that actually matters!
This skin is so cool
0:25 skin's so expensive, high quality, luxurious and valuable that you instantly get to hear the very same line twice in a row kekw, i CAAAAAAAAN'T
yeah this is just cringe, nothing more, the greed has no limits and the stupidity of people buying this neither
The last legendary evelyn skin is so much better. Riot sucks
I expected jiggle physics for that prize
this skin is actually so ugly. not even mentioning the price.
They put 5min of extra work into this skin so I understand the 500 USD price tag