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Solo zombies At Its Best and Worst
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Yeah my game crashing a lot on pc.
The dnf tablet doesnt work, i have to activate the dnf without that tablet
And I thought it was just me 🤷🏽♂️
No issues in Australia in the evening, it's very likely an issue for you guys over there, or your internet connection is cactus, I know you've tested it but it's definitely your fault
FYI Battlenet is having issues do not log out, if you log out you can't log back in.
I want a refund.
I uninstalled… The issues are so bad I can happily miss out. I have never got into the unstable rift without a crash, literally never seen even rnd 1 boss.
Until we get loot and containment protection (we won't) I will wait for Game Pass B06 as I cancelled my steam pre-order.
I am done with Activision. DMZ was a slap in the face, MWZ was straight up $70 stolen from my wallet.
So now I let my wallet speak to Activision and my wallet says f*** off you slimy thieves.
We all shouldn't buy the next game until all the issues in this game are fixed!
I had a huge problem with crashing I crashed literally 3 out of 5 games when I was on ps4. I finally switched to ps5 when season 2 was released and now I have only crashed twice since season 2 and 1 of the times was my fault I accidentally unplugged my router
I don’t really have any lag. But past few days it’s been kinda laggy, but the servers have been crashing completely for me every single game today. So it’s like getting worse by the day 😢
I just leave the game now I’m sick of this 💩
i tried to play this am and the laag was crazy almost at the same time everyone in da server said run to an exfil asap to keep your stuff i made it too exfil and almost didn't make it on da choppa it was laagin and we almost all at da same time made it into the air and then i just tried again tonight and with a minute left at the exfil it crashed, i have 2,5 gig internet and a super high end PC and it's only 7 months old so it's not me
Played a game of get higher & the latency is very good at 12ms.
I never lagged at all when I played zombies or multiplayer, but ever since the reloaded my games have been trash, lag and multiplayer and lag in zombies after five matches. They need to fix this thing. This is ridiculous.
Their ability to break things that weren't even borken to begin with continues to amaze me
Funny how they patch things that are fun and enjoyable almost on the same day as a YouTube video comes out, but when it comes to fixing bugs and improving their game so that players can have fun. Then it takes 1-2 months for something to happen. Many bugs in the game that have been there since day one. They don't care about us as players at all😢😂
I dont think they care because black opps 6 is comin soon.great vids ,.//.,
My game crashed while I had every schematic I needed sadly I lost it all
I have a low end i5 6600k , 16gigs, RX 570 , crashing like 95% of the time
Yeah, I’ve been having this problem for ages myself bud!
Real sad take all 3 triangels and leave none for the other players so sad you look like a noob to do that
Hi Spazzo, great content and enthusiasm man❤.
Soultion for all the problems (racing with ppl for contracts, Leg tools crystals etc) is to turn Al mazra map ( DMZ ) map to T2 and T3 only.
Lag is due to the upcoming season change…. and updates I assume.
Smh this needs to be addressed personally i havent had any problems ive been working in borialis and its been Draining but other then that my servers been okay i hope all is well to those who are having issues🙏🏾
You know whats funny most my games have been what it's like for you playing on this vid and i also had to learn how to play in tier 3 with it lagging like that, keeping myself in open ground lots of decoy grenades also always taking high ground so i could parachute away to create distance and most importantly putting circuit boards in every sentry turret i see when i am near them.. For a while i use to spam the MORS sniper rifle or grenade launcher at the ground to rattle the zombies, most times now i just sprint in tier 3 with my fists using the Aether blade while trying not to corner myself and staying in open ground occasionally dropping decoy grenades if i know i could get cornered.. Good games i get to join as a 6 man team and we have 3 or more dogs which then i play more aggressive and don't care when i get cornered and taken down..
It sucks when you gotta wait a day or two to get half decent gear only for the game to crash and lose everything my game is always lagging, but the only time it seems to crash is when I’m in the dark ether
Every upload ive noticed things have gotten progressivly worse. I dont think they care. Gotten to the point ive stopped getting on. Not worth the bs. Multiplayer is over run by hackers now. Its ridiculous. A friend of mine thinks they are purposely trying to ruin this game in hopes to push everyone over to black ops 6. My friends and I wont be buying it though. It's 🗑
Love your videos man, and the lot of facts what you are saying! Today I was trying to help my friends to get the unstable rift camo and in 2 of the 3 matches I started my game crash or kicked me out of the lobby having good ping/latency , it's annoying cause you lose everything, hope they fix the game ASAP…
Where are you from and what servers are you getting ? I’m in Kentucky and I’ve not had but one game in over a month that was lagged out. It’s running smooth for me on Xbox.
Anyone wanna link up for unstable rift
I'm on ps4 and my games are nothing like this. Sometimes when I spawn in, my operator is frozen and I don't hear or see a countdown but I can see the environment and zombies walking around. Once I am able to move and open my rucksack it's fine. Fortunately, i haven't experienced much.
BUT…I have been running T2 95% of my games lately as I'm just doing my MW2 camos. Every time I run with my friends, we go straight to T3 and I notice a little lag here and there but again, fortunately I haven't experienced anything this bad.
I've been in the DA many times and other players who I know are on PC and Xbox get booted modway through the elder run.
Sorry Spazo!
I'm one of the lucky guys I guess with no issues in the game. It works perfectly. I'm enjoying this game. Feel bad that some players are having issues 😢
Same here I run 2 boxes and PS5 all having lag issues
My game cut me out twice today… operator was 106… now only a 50 smh 🤦🏾♂️
This is how about 80% of my zombie games are or worse, where i am in Western Australia mos the time they put me on either USA servers with 200ms ping or Asia servers where no one speaks english on 200ms ping.. I load into a game see it start at normal 40ms ping then it continues searching and ping jumps to 120ms then it moves to about 180ms ping and searches for servers then finally hits 200ms ping and searches for a little and loads me into a game.. usual time to load into a game can be anywhere from 2 minutes to 5 minutes of watching it search for servers to play on depending on what time of day it is, every game of zombies i have played has been on 200ms server ping, we have no COD servers in my state closes game servers is East Aus and not many people plays zombies in Australia so they send me to USA or ASIA servers.. Plus side when MW3 Zombies is running like crap i just go back and play DMZ on game servers anywhere from 40ms to 60ms game server ping, just sucks we do not get to use any of the MW3 crap i grind out for DMZ even though DMZ is in the Warzone tab on the menu list..
I've actually had to plan my operators. Get one built up. Syaty a new one for back up when it crashes.
I am not getting any Lag in AUS so far with the latest update.
The last time my game lagged (months ago) was because I had cross play active. After I turned off, I haven’t seen much lag.
the biggest bug that actually gets me mad is the interact button on the extractors,PND,etc. please tell me im not the only one
Is this thing just a PC issue or? I mean, for people who plays on pc?
I am asking only because, i dont seem to have any issues – Therefore, it still sucks for all of you who has it…
Never thought about that I am using a VPN and I am having no problems
I paid $100 for this game and bought another $300 in bundles and I can't even play without the lag….. if this keeps up are gonna give my money back……. I even created another account for ps5 and had to buy the game again and still I can't play because of the lag
I’ve died so many times because of the lag… definitely not enjoyable
If you go too far away from the triangle, it doesn’t count when you kill the zombie
I am loving life with the game right now no problems