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Solo zombies At Its Best and Worst

Do You Like MW3? Many parts of the game have changed in the recent days! Missions are alot of fun!

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  1. I have crashed maybe 2-3 times in probably 100 hrs in zombies on PS5 and it's extremely frustrating if I had to deal with what you got going on I probably wouldn't even play!

  2. First time going to the dark either the other day, (only been playing zombies for a bit still working on quests) got to the reward rift before exiting and game crashed went back to 75 containment and lost all my gear. Tried a rebuild attempt went into a different dark either was doing a pnd with some randoms and crashed again lost it all.. disappointing for sure

  3. The crazy part is i have 1 G internet service and I am always connected wired. I just think its crazy they want me to try all of these other things instead of addressing the issue with a real answer and fix.

  4. I stopped playing about a week ago. My latency on the PS5 would go from in the 30s to around 800 for about 2 minutes, and in those 2 minutes, you are guaranteed to go down if zombies are around. I was in tier 3 to buy my gear back and I revived someone. After reviving them, my latency shot up and we were both down. We had to wait for 10 minutes for a squad to revive us. Once they did, I got my scorcher out to head to an exfil, and I scorched up, and the latency shot up and it wouldn't let me pull my parachute, and then I was downed from fall damage, and I have it set to where it automatically pulls my parachute. After a few minutes, the guy I revived early came and revived my as the gas reach my body and we booked it to an exfil. I can't even go in and rebuy the stuff I just lost from going down in the previous match because of the lag. I was able to go in and complete this week 8 challenges for the camo at an exfil, but even that was sketchy. I have barely touched the game in 2 weeks because of this.

  5. I crash a lot as well on PC, I'm running an AMD setup with 5800x3d and 6950xt with up-to-date software. First couple of games are rough with the crashes then it still lags a bit after but is at least playable for a little while.

  6. I play two matches and then the game becomes terrible so I turn off the game and come back a few hours later and it gets better but goes back to the terrible game again. I play on Xbox

  7. Its boring same crap over and over they delay literally everything just so there's content to stretch until the next cod gets introduced into cheaterzone warzone 😂 blackout is king

  8. Had done all three crystals 3 legendary, scorcher case, sigil with a team of six, played the entire game through and the second we hit the rift, i start just running through the ground and just sliding and im hollering “fuck i just crashed” and thwy said i was still moving around like normal. They initiated the rift and i crashed. It brought my buddy with me and he crashed lost everything and all of a sudden, the game puts him back into the dark aether with the team of 5 with all of his items. The game has definitely hit its peak worst performance since launch. Ironic another COD Theyll literally just ignore since there another billion dollar release coming soon.

  9. Thank God, not happening to me. I’ve been getting better lobbies since this is happening. I got a feeling they should keep it this way

    I can go on the Redzone and only be me and maybe two other players I can get to triangles without having to have the scorcher. It’s been lovely.

    I live in Maryland have you tried using a VPN?

  10. I’m on my PS5 and it’s totally unplayable 🤬 I’ve been kicked 4 times in a row today alone. I hope they fix it asap. I really like this version of playing zombies.

  11. I'm on PS5 crashed twice in a row last night, lost a total of 4 legendary, 4 flawless, plates, elder sigil, vr 11, pack 2 crystal. It was a hard night for me, I was peeved to say it nicely.. the next game was laggy as well and today played this morning was still lagging.. I closed the game out reopened the game, reset the router.. but both times said they server disconnected.. it's aggravating.

  12. Still lagging for me… and I have super fast internet speed, and playing on Xbox X. What's worse, is that the game feels way worse now than when it was first released, and we are about to hit season 5. It should be the other way around! Should be getting progressively better, not worse!

  13. I had a sack full of schematics, purple mask and all perks was in zone 3, I got disconnected from the servers, lost everything and lost 50 levels. I don't even wanna play anymore cause my friend and I dc once a day

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