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Alternate Timelines – World of Warcraft

Alternate Timelines – World of Warcraft

The Caverns of Time, home to Nozdormu and the bronze dragonflight is a mysterious place. In the past, we have revisited pivotal moment’s in wow’s history and thwarted the infinite dragonflight’s plans of changing history entirely, but how about the timeways that have been damaged by the infinite dragons and that have not had the chance of being repaired by the bronze dragonflight? What would they look like? In this video, you will find out.

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Music provided by Epidemic Sounds
(I do not own the music in this video.) No copyright infringement intended.

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  1. My two Alternative universes:
    1.) Warsokyo (Universe code: S9)
    Basicly Touhou Characters but swapped with WoW characters with the same personalities and outfits of touhou characters [Don't worry i can redesign them if opposite gender]
    Ex: Arthas Yakumo

    2.) World of Recolorcraft (Universe code: Z1)
    Basicly Arthas' outfit became green and then turned into a Youkai taking care of the Sun Flower Field but he did a Genocide (He doesn't care the species/races at all) also powerful

    Jaina Proodmoore turned Red (Similar to Marisa Kirisame of Z1). Instead of making peace with races and faction, She doesn't care with species/races and more powerful. She only wants more magic to increase her power and lifespan

    Varian turned Blue, He's basicly more patriotic and powerful
    All of them are able to make Danmaku

  2. Timeloop between good and evil. Before creation comes destruction. Before destruction comes creation. Endless loop. While you alive, in the separate timeline you may be dead. If thats so then we are going through a cycle of dead and life through and through. Which kinda gives me the explanation why Sylvanas turn the back on us at the begin. Sylvanas has human problems which made her crazy. Love, compassion, truth she wanted to atleast defend one of it, thats why she took it very serious when anduin got fucked up. She know she fucked up. But i remember alot of quotes about Anduin he controlls Light and Shadow. I think a new Lich King was born. Maybe a true Lich King has to be faithful towards the light and dark, which makes that position so difficult. Sylvanas will get a comeback maybe this or next expansion she will turn to her old self, living self that was the price she got her soul back.

    It is alot of reading between the lines. But Sylvanas was always on the hunt for the Lich King she thought he could free her, but she was bound to the shadowlands the maw because Arthas took her good soul. So everything in Northend has a purpose somehow. It seems all Main characters got a huge powerup. I just looked at jaina when she was defending Ardenwield she bombs some nukes holy shit. Thrall needs a big stepup or powerup he seems so…. not thrall. And finally Anduin i bet he will get over this power and control it. Shadow and Light this guy will go crazy.

    WoW has a big content problem. Before they put out a addon and that included everything, every instance every raid no waiting. Now I waited a whole year to play this game again because lack of content. Like hell i will run Thorgast a million times or kill denathrius every week. Now I have absolut no plan where Iam in the game

  3. Well this timeline isn’t great for everyone, especially the horde (are the Tauren extinct now?), but it satisfies a lot of fan fictions for jaina/Arthas and thrall/taretha lol

  4. So, in this timeline, Arthas doesn't turn evil and is married to Jaina, humans and orcs are kind of allies (Blackmore followers at least), there is no Lich King, no Legion invasion, Lordaeron and Quel'Thalas are not destroyed, no Scourge, the northern lands are not infested with undead, thousands of people don't die… and Thrall is all like "fuck that, this is not right! the only correct timeline is the one with ME alive, so fuck all those people and their lives, fuck those kingdoms, fuck everything! I am more important!"

  5. hm that would be intresting also Ahh Man Arthas why you got to have th emost tragic backstory ever and then have a somewhat better story in another world

  6. I know it sounds HELLA cliche, but if we were to have a IDF expac, it would have to not make sense. Time travel stuff shouldn't make sense IMO. Unless you're a Bronze drake I guess. Even so though, they seem hella confused at all times. It would be insane.

  7. Lame. They wrote themselves into a corner and had to deus ex green Jesus themselves out of it.

    They couldn't have Thrall make a good Arthas turn evil just to kill thousands of innocent humans (and apparently easily manipulated orcs).

    They don't even toy with the notion that perhaps this is the true timeline, and Thrall's is the corrupted one. The one where humans and orcs are still killing one another.

    And last question, so did Blackhand go to an alternate ALTERNATE WoD? Exactly how many are there?

  8. I would love it if someday blizzard make a warlord of dreanor style expansion of this timeline where we have to face Blackmore and the infinite dragon flight

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