My friends have continued their League of Legends learning experience but now Rob wants to become a Yuumi main… I must intervene. If you guys keep enjoying the League of Legends content let me know and I’ll keep ’em coming!
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#LeagueofLegends #Gaming #Funny
I regret playing League of Legends with my friends
Apologies for the delay on uploads but it wasn't spent idle, never spent so much time editing a single video before. Hope you all enjoy it though because it'll make it all worth it! I'm 100% going to find a way to NOT continually take on more and make things harder but I can be really bad at that sometimes… so anywho more League on the way and hopefully with a little healthier mindset/editing practices.
I love this editing style so much. This is so perfect
playing league with your wife should be illigal
Awesome video. Just started playing League and I'm hurting. These ease the pain.
I know nothing about League but watched because these edits were hilarious
After a two year break from League of Legends, I recently got back into it. And honestly, this video and its chaotic energy, banter and comradery is so reminiscent of my time in league with my group of friends years ago in those peak days. Loving the nostalgia.
I wanna get into LoL so my boyfriend and I have something more to play together. (We both enjoyed our play through of Dark Souls 1,2, and 3 together along with Bloodborne (He didn't enjoy Elden Ring as much lol), but man I'm just intimidated as shit trying to get into LoL, with how much I feel like I need to try and grasp. lmao Your vids partially push me towards finally jumping in though, so happy boyfriend inbound I hope! Unless I'm just.. Mega ass at the game xD
what do you MEAN shaco doesn't say box box box?
i start just like that , and i still trash
This video is like going back in time and watching first Lol streamers and how they had fun. Man this is epic. This brings real joy to my heart
lmfao i love that "Divorced" screen
This video was sooo amazing, gotta chare it everywhere
don’t know what’s happening but this is heat
Great editing man, hilarious video!
I'm here once again with my thoughts presented here for your perusal: This was very good.
my g/f plays Yuumi but that's cuz she has a blood illness and sometimes he circulation is really weak so her hands hurt really bad and yuumi allows her to play the game im playing but not have to click as many buttons..
I can’t get over how good this editing was
<3 Love ya Fruit.
I love Claire so much more after this lol
Started getting into league because of your last video and this one makes me want to play more
The fitz intro, nice
The editing is top tier in this
i loved this
Divorced with the gta death was too funny at the beginning
Fruit that tie fighter edit was real slick you're flexing on us fr
loved these edits Fruit hilarious vid makes me want to get into league again