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Top 5 TIPS & TRICKS in DER EISENDRACHE! Black Ops 3 Zombies How To Reach High Rounds Strategy

TOP 5 Call of Duty BLACK OPS 3 ZOMBIES Der Eisendrache Tips and Tricks, High Round Tutorial on COD BO3 Zombies Gameplay
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  1. i always use the number 1 strategy,ive done it always when i make a high round attempt,the highest round ive got is 47,another trick i recommoned is to build the shield at the crafting table right in front of u,that way if theres a drop that u want,and get trapped,u can stand near it,and keep rebuild ure shield when it breaks till u figure out what u do,ou and what i do for panzer,is to jump out,and quickly go to death ray trap at the pack a punch,and use it to kill the panzer.but usually at high rounds,its more deiffiucult and he won necessery die when the trap ends,so u better use in plain sight gobbelgum and use the panzer hat traps or whatever it is to insta kill the panzer,and dont use guns,i only use lighting bow cuse 4 some reason,no guns work that good at high rounds for killing theme or holding theme back,shoot the lighting bow just slidely to the left of the window,so the strom well wipe the ones from window,and the ones that are coming.and get ure shote ready dont get too cocky.i also recommonde monky bombs and highly highly recemmond RAGNAROK yeah this friday im gonna make a 50 round attempt with perkoholic and everything.wish me luck.ou and i recommoned getting HIGHLY setup for it,storm bow,ragnorak dg-4 bericca or dingo,shield and good perks.for me it takes about 45 or sometimes 40 mins to get ready and setup,but when im setup i just fly through rounds man

  2. I think the best strategy is when you stand in wundersphere near death ray. When round starts wait 10 sec and active death ray. Then back to wundersphere and shoot storm bow only when you need. You only shoot 20 arrows every round. It works on round 32.

  3. Here's a tip for the boss battle, use the death and taxes or ray gun, and use the gobble gum danger closest. Danger closest is a life saver since you don't take damage from the panzer shock charges (They always used to kill me).

  4. Well number 4 was stupid…. you have to go down to the Rocket Pad to fill the thing with souls and then make the bonfires electric, so you're not really saving anything kinda pointless if you ask me

  5. thanks for the tip that i can hit the bond fire that's at the rocket pad from above the double tap I knew you could but i never used it before so I'm gonna try it out probably later today

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