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Frost Mage is INSANELY BURSTY in The War Within

Frost Mage has SO MUCH burst in The War Within but is extra tanky! Feel free to leave comments on classes you would like to see.
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  1. With the proc munching, I’d like it if they toned down the number of fingers of frost you get and shortened the duration of winter’s chill but buffed the damage of ice lance when consuming those buffs – would reward more precise play, lead to less GCD bloat since you have some other cool spells to use your globals on.

  2. Frost has never been great in raiding at least when GS has been the Meta – even in 2 target cleave fights, the big, long, slow, lumbering chaos bolt that is glacial spike is really punishing when you are trying to do mechanics and you lose a lot of dmg, people usually just go fire for unlimited mobility in execute. Hoping that playing without GS will at least be viable, and that GS is okay for the people (though certainly not me) who enjoy playing destro frost mage.

  3. Have you thought about having the addon which shows the abilities you press on the corner maybe? It would be nice to follow along, many people are shopping for new specs and not really familiar with the rotation.

  4. hi vesp great video as always ! quick question is the leveling server closed in tww beta ? cant seem to acces idk why . have any idea's if it will be back up ? thanks for ur time .

  5. I might actually main mage for the first time in 16 years. I’ve never liked fire but Frost feels so good and arcane now feels awesome which gives me two specs I like. Odds that neither is better than fire in any content are minimal.

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