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3-Click, Updated Green Grids, HUGE New Update in EA Sports PGA Tour

Patch notes:

Here is the breakdown for the newest patch in EA Sports PGA Tour 2023! Can’t wait to dive into the update and give it a go. Make sure to go check out the Twitch channel below to catch the livestream tonight.

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  1. Where do the developers most likely look at and consider implementing this feedback?

    One mechanic that I think this game is really missing and we've seen before, is clubs automatically changing with the distance of your marker.
    – I know shot types are a variable even at trying to achieve the same distance as others, but I often find myself continuously cycling through clubs, shot types, and even shot type for each club just trying to get to a desired distance.

    As to the patch: -Some of the greens..are still a little, let's say wonky
    ,A few challenges are still, either unplayable due to crowds in the way, or are not registering for completion.
    *CPU opponents in almost all of challenges are laughably bad, consistently hitting bunker to bunker, water, out of bounds, swinging Texas at 1000, and the biggest of all, Whiffing a 1inch tap in, more annoying having to watch then anything! I've unfortunately conditioned myself to immediately skipping through until they're done !SHtanking! all over the golf course.

  2. Great vid as usual. Straight to the info. Been playing the patch since it dropped. I dont really think they fixed the cups tbh lol. Also they really havent added anything to the store which is a bummer.

    But, i wanna say your video on putting the other day and how tempo works was the best video out there for this game. I also figured out on short game shots, holding the swing stick forward for the follow through also gives more perfects and just barely fast/slow timing. Idk how EA expected people to figure that out lol

  3. Also for camera fixes, during play I’ve noticed it is better. But for the coaching and other challenges, it still gets locked behind rocks or trees. And you can’t even do anything about it since it’s a challenge, so if you have to do it, you’ll get 5+ swings where you can’t even see how you’re swinging. And the green grids are mostly better, but there’s still some ghost breaks happening 100%. And wind is still a little off, sometimes it just straight up goes in the opposite direction, and with a perfect swing and aim, it’ll just go to the wrong side the winds blowing. Less frequent, but still happening.

  4. The fast play option didn’t really do a whole lot. I wanted it to skip the intros to each hole, not just the waving animations. Because now it frequently shows 2 back to back even after pressing skip. So there’s still a little too much between holes.

  5. I am SHOCKED that I’m actually thinking about EA positively but here we are. Their responses and patches have addressed community concerns quickly and effectively! Crazy times man.

    Loving the game and their handling of it so far – have high hopes for the future!

  6. this isn't meant to be a sob story so please don't take it that way.I have AML and had a bone marrow transplant on Dec 19th. one of the meds they have me on causes tremors I liked this game but fine motor skills cause the tremors to get worse after 45mins 1hr I would get frustrated and quit playing due to how bad I was swinging. not ashamed at all to admit I played for 6hrs yesterday and LOVED it.

  7. Great update for features, yes. but yet again has broken career mode for most people. career mode will crash every time I drop the ball into the cup, and PS5 Volume settings still won't save.

  8. Looking forward to the 3-Click swing, still struggling with putting which wasn't the case with the 2K golf games, but I like the overall presentation of this game better.

  9. The base game is good but the menu's need work, it won't save my settings such as audio settings, my golfers outfits seem glitched.. I removed a glove on an outfit but it just stays on no matter what I do lol, it feels leggy to navigate.

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