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About iPodKingCarter:
NBA 2K player, gamer, tech unboxer, tutorial Junkie, and Podcast Fiend.
I have been gaming since I was 5 and making videos since NBA 2K11. I mostly like my 2K and EA gameplays but stick around as I branch out to other PC games like GTA 5, Apex, and more!. I love to game and have fun and even sometimes scream at my monitor here and there, so have fun along with me!
EA SPORTS UFC Career Mode FACECAM: I’M SLEEP THO! VS. Alexander Gustafsson Ep. 26 (PS4 Gameplay)
I need to get to one of his games. #NeverMetMyMatch
Amazing video 🙂 Subbed! I'm really impressed! I just found your channel, and I'm really enjoying it so far! If you keep making videos like this, I can see you as a big YouTuber in the very near future. Hopefully we can become great YouTube friends and maybe even collab together one day! I hope to see you on my channel as a loyal subscriber and friend, I hope you join my community of active subscribers I'm trying to create!
u need to upgrade your submission your suppose to be a kick boxer but u go on the ground all the time he would have beat u if u didn't spam the submissions
XD at "the ref almost let him die"
why does ipod act like he thinks he's the shit every time he wins? lol. like stfu. its not that impressive
Some of this is hard to watch. Going for a submission when you have little to no stamina and your opponent's stamina is almost completely full? Now that's a noob move.
Yo Ipodkingcarter you get to like level 25 and tht is the max level eventually you are forced to retire I'm already on my second character. Nice to see someone on her from philly love your vids man yerp!
Why didn't you pound him like you did Jones
I was yelling at you cover your face but good sub
Who was that chick tho
I don't know If I can give any feedback here because of the trolls here. But you are hell of a one dimensional in a fight, I could even even call that submission spamming. Why don't you mix up your fighting? You can punch in a fight even though you are trying for a submission.
I saw no standup in this match, or almost none. When I play UFC I do stand up and try to modify my gameplan when I play. If I don't get submission for the first 3 try's then I try some boxing and muay thai to soften up the opposition.
What I am trying to get across is that even though spamming submission may be effective in the game, there is a no change in hell it would work in real fight. I think a mindset where you go to fight and let either a ko or submission come if they come is the best and works the best.
By the title i thought Ipod got knocked for a sec, lol
Pause at 4:31
Hey ikc great video but can u start showing the training in your video
Hey ikc great video but can u start showing the training in your video
Im callin you out IpodKingCarter. You arnt good at this game. You are average. You are like a Purple belt in skill. Playing on Easy or Normal mode by the looks of it. Spam alot. I know I can take you easy online. Ether learn to play better or get online so we can fight. So then you can Vs someone who actually knows how to play.
That was a good battle but why do u let your fighter eat so many punches , the game has a block button…
That was a good battle but why do u let your fighter eat so many punches , the game has a block button…
Nice vid homie
m429331 do mine app nana code and i will do yours.
the DLC is BS… you have to buy a $2 Bruce Lee for each of the 4 weight classes that hes in. Not happening.
i thought Latoya was banished…. ruined a great video
You go crazy about him getting out when most of the time on the submission pad you go up and down the whole time or side to side.
hey IKC long time fan of ur channels whens the next ufc vid coming homie
ufc is fun why do people be like its ass and shit i plyed it at my cuz house and it was fun
To the ppl who are complaining about the videothink aboug this your watching someone else pla a game and he's undefeated stop hating and just enjoy and if you dont likd it stop watching it.