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The Lost Mermaids of World of Warcraft

A single clue in an ancient Titan city illuminates the lost mermaids that may have once existed on Azeroth…

Video Footage:
– Blizzard Entertainment’s World of Warcraft (2004-)

Background Music:
– “Storm Peaks” from the WoW WotLK OST

Outro Music:
– “Watch Me (Live)” by Greta Van Fleet

#worldofwarcraft #classicwow #seasonofdiscovery

Jediwarlock 2024

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  1. What if it describes Azeroth being a planet of only sea and water before the old gods came to Azeroth. And the land mass on Azeroth is literally the corpse/body of the old gods.

    The well of eternity was created by ripping out Y'Shaarj "from the earth" but to be honest Y'shaarj might as well have been that earth.

    N'zoth has this line as well:- "She is not the last, but the first. Drown her, and you will see".

  2. I wish the thumbnail mermaid was what we got for golganneth. He is the titan of the roaring skies and seas but just feels lightning. Like in so much of the art it is lightning coming from their eyes or hands but nothing about him feels ocean. That mermaid stain glass feels very posideon and i am sure they could find a mix between zeus and posieon that feels right. Also l always felt that maybe the mermaids are in the water elemental plane and because it is the one we dealt with the least that we never seen them. Would be intersting for a titan creation to instead join one of the elemental lords

  3. My take from this is that N'Zoth did so well at killing merpeople, that he wiped them out and decided to take the naga on as extra troops incase the Titans ever decided to fight back with more improved merpeople

  4. Dude I don’t know how you put such great videos together, me and my brother would consider ourselves lore enthusiasts and I’m blown away about how many times you’ve made videos about things that never even crossed our minds hahahah

  5. I think the mermaids were likely (some of )the Old Gods. When the Titans arrived, they started experimenting, and ended up turning them into the Old Gods forms we know. N'zoth, having been the dude with the trident before, eventually turned the fallen high elves into his own image – except it was now corrupted, and so we get the reptile naga. With only classic lore the only indication we have of this theory being true is the sequence of murals, the "descent into madness" indicating the mermaids may have been turned into the old gods. It is only very recently (Dragonflight) that we got the tip that leads me to believe the titans did it: Galakrond. We now know that was no Old God corruption, but Tyr experimenting.

  6. i can't believe how many times I obsessed over the old god windows all while never noticing the mermaids for so many years!?
    such an intriguing theory, i really hope we might find out more about them eventually

  7. Maybe they were going to be present in Ny'alotha, stationed there, guarding the underwater city after the Titans took it from the Old Gods. But by the time of BfA with no one that worked on Ulduar was still in the company so it was not followed up on.

  8. 6:15 I always took the shift in themes in the stained glass to be a reality-twisting effect of Yogg-Saron's corruption. Like either we weren't seeing things right and starting to hallucinate that deep into Ulduar's prison or his corruption straight up warped the images on the glass to things from his nightmarish dreams.

    After all, why would any of the Titans or Titanforged create images of the Old Gods when we've always seen them try to destroy or erase said images wherever they are present? And in stained glass, nonetheless, a medium that is typically used to glorify the subject matter.

  9. Forgive me if I'm wrong, but is it explicitly said the iron dwarf/vyrkul being assembled were there before Loken went mad, or is this a recent construction project by Yogg Saron?

  10. like the spirit of your commitment to sticking to the lore of the original trilogy though i'm more personally interested in the lore of early classic before they got rushed into burning all their cool ideas to keep gamer babies entertained. i'm willing to take stuff from later expansions like for example obv the lich king is going to start harassing the rest of azeroth but it's straight up embarrassing that they go through the dark portal in the literal first expansion, the world should have had more time to develop and breath, southern seas should have been second and the world should have had time to fill out like adding hyjal, northern lorderon, ect

  11. There is another explanation for the stained glass: perhaps the Titan who built Ulduar hatched from an aquatic World Soul and these 'mermaids' were it's primary inhabitants who were destroyed by that Titan coming into existence so they enshrined their memory in the halls of Ulduar, and perhaps in other Titan installations. After all, we haven't seen nearly all of them yet (even in retail) and we don't even know if Azeroth is the only planet with Titan installations like Ulduar. There might be one with mermaid decorations and ornamentation on every planet the Titans ordered. Given that we have not seen ANY other indication of this species on Azeroth, I actually feel it's likely they hail from somewhere else in the cosmos.

    Well, it's a thought at least, and probably one of the more off-the-wall WoW theories I've ever had.

  12. Genuine question for you: why do you insist the "Original Trilogy" is the only right or official version of the lore as far as your lore dives go? I ask because, from my perspective as a fellow lore nerd, the lore stayed pretty consistent (with some minor cleanups here and there than can easily be handwaved away) through Mists of Pandaria. It wasn't until WoD and Legion that things started to get really heavily retconned and sharks started getting jumped.

    Again, I want to reiterate that I'm not being combative here, just trying to have a genuine and honest discussion and possibly bridge some gaps. Cheers!

  13. Also in the room right before you go through the crack into the Descent into Madnes,, if you look straight up there's a circular mural on the ceiling that depicts humanoid Seraphim angels, not valkyr.

  14. Hey there, just wanna say I really love your videos. They bring back so much memories from this awesome world we used to discover. Keep up the great work!

  15. I first saw these stain glass mermaids in the trailer for Ulduar, than The Dread Expanse briefly mentioned them in one of his videos and now finally a proper video about them. Keep up the great work friend!

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