In The War Within, there are a ton of dps specs out there.
But what are some that are just EASIER Ones overall? In todays video, we are going to be looking at some EASY DPS Specs you could MAIN in The War Within. This is gonna be super fun so LETS GO!
The War Within is right around the corner!
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00:00 – Intro & Giveaway!
00:35 – DPS #1
02:20 – DPS #2
04:20 – DPS #3
06:35 – DPS #4
08:45 – DPS #5
10:38 – DPS #6
12:40 – DPS #7
14:45 – Thank you all!!!
Arms in tww the easiest rotation? Dude o my for that I can see you don’t understand the changes on wow right now xD
great video i like these xD
Woyer 😂
Bm is Not that easy to Always have beastcleave Up and Always have 3 stacks of barbed Shot beside kick stun bind Shot fire Trap Not that easy ret Paladin is easier
Great video! I love easier rotations when i just wanna chill. I have always loved Lock and Hunter for solo and agree with your picks. Lock amazing theme, mogs, abilities, easy solo mode complete badass blazing around on a dreadsteed leaving fire and ash in your trail…..
As an altoholic i will play every class to max but im super excited for my ENH shammy, Lock, hunter, Ret, WW, and main rogue as always. I just love playing em all its so damn fun.
Im so glad you moved over from sod content to retail ! I really like your videos, very informative and straight to the point. Keep up the good work!
The performance being added in is a bad factor to have every week new blue post are being dropped nerfing or buffing classes bm hunter is went from top dps to lowest in 1 beta blue post
Dude, tremendous review. First time I've seen one of your vids. Def got a sub here. Thanks and keep it up for more TWW content! You will probably blow up if it's all like this.
I'm not sure what beta you played but your list is so wrong.
is the breath DK build still good after the change to it?
Love your videos Spider-Man ❤️
Started playing again after quitting years ago. Destro warlock for me.
Why do you say “woi-er” instead of “warrior”
telling new players to roll hunters is a worse thing these trash content creators can do…
Frost dk here we come
Paint me shocked: Hunter, Lock, Ret Pally… only real surprise is Frost DK and Fury. Hasn't Arms, Ret, BM, and Destro always been the easiest/best dps to get for new players/players coming back?
Man you're killing it with the TWW content. Always gotta show some love <3
BUT LISTEN dear BM Hunter… TURN OFF TAUNT in dungeons…! thank you =)
BM got nerfed! But yeah it is easy to play
Hmm.. Chapter markers are missing.
I loved the video (although that jittery camera makes me go insane), the information, the presentation, the tone, everything is high quality on this channel. I hope you guys grow a lot more, cuz you deserve it
No Havoc Demon Hunter? you litteraly just have to roll your face across the keyboard to do pretty good dps and heal yourself.
My main has been a restoration Druid since vanilla, but when I solo things or am too stoned or drunk the DH is always my go to as it's almost impossible to fuck up and die :p
As I will turn 30 next year, my old brain will be playing BM all day every day 😂
Thank you for the great video.
One thing… Ret Paladin pre-patch rotation is still a ton of abilities. The Icyveins easy mode has NINE abilities in the rotation, iirc. That's still very bloated imo.
I met a fury war on beta that keep bursting for 7-8mil dmg and end up with close to 5mil on overall. But that’s one extreme case, haven’t met anyone come close to that throughout beta testing
Finally I can unbench my enhance shaman!! LETS F Go!!
I am going to tryout range and frost mage seems pretty straight forward and fun…so far
Great list. Thought about swapping of my main to try some of these specs. I’d only disagree with arms warrior since you put fury in here – people have stated multiple times that fury is easier to learn than arms, even some of the better warrior players.
Putting both dps specs on the list when the class only has 2 dps specs is like making a healing list and saying both priest specs are easy – 1 is significantly easier than the other and should be placed on the list.
Overall though informative video.
Arms sucked already and it got now nerfed even more feels like a punch in the guts arms is the new punching bag of blizzard officially
Honestly, I haven't liked BM for many expansions now, it is so boring to play.
Give it way more beasts where you have to choose a beast to each situation.
Like a beast you get out for AoE
One that can stun
One that applies poison or bleeds.
One that puts a debuff on the target.
That would be amazing.
Lets say you could have 3 out at any given time for like 20 seconds. with a 30 second cd and in that 10 second window you use your builders to then again be able to summon your pets.
I don't think beastmaster is that easy at all. I find the rotation of shadow for example much easier. I definitely had more buttons and more interesting stuff as bm. Marksmanship i also found easier. Fury is much easier. So i don't understand why it is still considered the easiest spec tbh. But thanks for the nice vid !
Hey. I was hoping I could get your opinion on something. I’m a returning player who hasn’t played in a while (since Cata). Used to have an ele Shaman I got to a pretty decent state from TBC.
Anyways, I’m thinking of returning and buying a character boost. I want to main a mage this time around. Probably fire/arcane. Do you reckon if I study relevant videos, research other material and practice I could get to a very competent position as an arcane mage by TWW?
Obviously a con of the boost is feeling overwhelmed at level 70, dealing with everything at once. I felt it at level 1 as a returning player (level 18 atm) since the game is so different. But part of me just wants the boost and to start practicing end level stuff asap. Would love your feedback
great video as always guys. great work 😀
I think what makes a class difficult might be different from person to person. Warlock and Evoker have low APM which may feel easy to some. Other classes have fewer hot keys, button bloat may be difficult for others. Best to try them all.
Great video! I have limited movement in my hands, what would you say is the least button presses for melee dps? Seemed like arms warrior from your video. But the paladin and DK looks fun too!
My only question is, when the fuck was ret hard to play and bloated with buttons LMAO, otherwise great suggestion for beginners! (also devastation was written wrong)