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#warcraft #worldofwarcraft #wow
Xal'athas: "Cat gar" (gar is german for "cooked")
wow is back!
We got 6 days to find the power in the city before Xal'atath take it.
That wasn’t flames out of frostmourne it was sparks from when he jammed it into the ground
They had better not kill Khadgar. We will still need him. If she kills him, my mage will not stop following her around the planet to kill her.
Oh no. Animated Warcraft somehow loads to code for Litch King character. Oh noooooo!
gross, fuck blizzard
"Khadgar, I am talking so slowly that it will take 3 expansions before I will finish my sentence"
I've kinda got a side-bet on Khadgar pulling a Gale of Waterdeep move in desperation, and that's what wrecks stuff..
We might lose khadgar but gain Medivh
leave it to Wowhead to spoil the cinematic a week before launch
I feel bad for this guy. He's shilling so hard for Blizzard trying to hype things when anyone whos been paying attention has seen time and time Blizzard ruining their own games. WoW died a long timr ago snd Overwatch 2 is trash.
Bro… a good written Warcraft Anime would be peak content! CHange my mind.
"Flicked my taint" wtf I fell out my chair.
Chadgar straight up whipping out Comet Azur. Miyazaki must be proud.
Prediction chadgar manabombs the city. To scuttle the artifacts a contingency better gone than in the enemies hands.
I can fix her
Xalitath looked so unsatisfied after Kadgar blew his load all over her.
So, who wants to ship these two?
Dont Kadgar go missing after Dalaran fall?
"She gets hotter every time I see her" what is it with wow players and necrophelia. It is a corpse reanimated by her spirit lol.
As much as I like the Khadgar voice actor…Liam Neeson. Come on. He’d kill it
They datamineed a khadgar wheelchair I think.
Nice to see Khadgar back. He's basically been a non-factor since Legion.
Bro I’m pretty sure everyone watching videos like this already has the epic edition 🤣
Khadgar's spell is a straight copy from Elden ring's Comet Azur, not that I mind it for him, but honestly I would certainly not like it if all mages had were running around blasting it, would make it far less epic of a spell
Sam just Jizzed all over his keyboard.
Would be cool if the Lich King is added as an actual character and not just a skin. It would also open up the possibility for Blizzard to add other cross over characters that could even be from Starcraft or Diablo. Kinda like with Heroes of the Storm
One of the things I hate about wow. Some of the villains we face people would say where is this person or that person they could kill it. Like khatgar or Jenna. Showing she can take a beam like that is awsome.
Starforged = Big star D computer, lmao
Wow has not had a great villain since wrath. We need lore lots of lore to get invested. The worst thing wow could do is kill her of at the end of war with in. She needs to be eaten properly let's us savoir the meal. She needs to be the last boss as the lost titan or even another saga.
They need to let arthas return. Just have him come through a different time period no problem. Bring the real lich king back.
Seeing frostmourne compress and jiggle like it's a pool noodle kinda pissed me off.
But I thought we were supposed to forget about Arthas.
maybe we are getting young khadgar back?
Yes we lose dalaran sad but yea what if we lose khadgar not dead but gets sucked into the void amd learns and sees visions on what could happen or will happen and returns in the next expansion but as an older man but is edgier and somewhat darker because of the void and this leads to a guardian and the last expansion
Looks like a anime for Netflix and if it is? Then sign me the fuck up. Netflix sucks hot monkey balls but their anime ??? Has been top tier. Some of the best animation I have ever seen..
10:20 Xal'atah : hi to Chadgar
Didn't in Dalaran we left Eye of Aman'Thul in Legion? Looks like Xal will drain all power from it into the Dark Hearth and bring one of greatest citys to the ground in pices.
nice line and he needs to talk to the titans like this too
I mean it's obvious what that short cinematic is: it's an event from second war when orgrim doomhammer agreed to assault silvermoon with amani trolls in exchange for their allegiance because they knew northern eastern kingdoms much better than the horde did
"Like hell you will!" ok yeah wow is finally stepping back in the right direction, the only thing that is left is kicking the people that dont play the game, and dont even know its history out of the community that demands all these woke changes happen to the game!
6:48 that's actually a scene from the 2nd war, if u look closely you'll see orcs too not just amani trolls 😀
I agree 100% , "Like hell you will" from Khadgar killed me too. Its awesome.
WoW is so back boys.