Welcome to the new Sion Champion Spotlight. Check out the full video for a guide on how to play and build the Sion update, or get right to learning the art of undead warfare by jumping to:
0:22 Play Style and Skins
0:51 Suggested Stats and Items
0:57 Abilities
4:54 Tons of Damage Combos
5:54 Gameplay
Dig into The Undead Juggernaut’s past here:
Reborn – http://promo.na.leagueoflegends.com/en/reborn/
Sion, the Undead Juggernaut, revealed – http://na.leagueoflegends.com/en/champion-reveal/sion-the-undead-juggernaut
Dev Blog: Reimagining Sion – http://na.leagueoflegends.com/en/news/champions-skins/champion-update/dev-blog-reimagining-sion
Sion Q&A – http://boards.na.leagueoflegends.com/en/c/gameplay-balance/e3zHQ4A3-sion-champion-update-qa
Briar's neighbor
My main ❤❤❤❤
The birthplace of modern League of legends.
so there USED TO BE a time where Sion's Q was accurate, why did they change that
(nowadays, skarner would get hit 100%, and I know what I'm talking about, I'm a Sion main)
We shilin
Sion on Wild Rift is tanky OP af. I'm gonna try using him as a Jungler there, his original rework spotlight video says it all.
Sion is on wild rift
Sion just like mobile legend's Balmond
4:45 onwards… that is a bug… Sions Q just magically disappears whilst still having the charging animation, not doing anything… My friend who is a Sion main says this still happens…
7:05 💀
He's coming to Wild Rift y'all !!!
Wellcome to Wild Rift
They just announced he's coming to mobile
I've been playing so long I call this update new Sion
3:53 ??????
Sion raid boss in Runeterra MMO?
bro sion and Renata would make a great combo
Watching this in 2021 as an ex-Sion main: Look at how the massacred my boy.
wtf this is 8 years ago, I still think of him as this newly released redesign.
Miss that map
Im here cuz youtube recommended me
real question is it shon or sion
They shouldve called him "the undead kingslayer"
Anyone 2021 Dec?
7:05 Sayonara VEIGAR.
Sion passive extra dmg on death should work on turret.
cant believe how ugly the map was..
So this is where mlbb gets its johnson ult. Ewww moonton😖