Dalaran is the flying Wizard city at the heart of Warcraft. Every time something shows up, we pack out Dalaran with the best and brightest and head straight for it. Thing is… Xal’atath has been watching us, and she knows exactly how we use Dalaran. Maybe she has something up her sleeve. Whatever happens, it’s a good time to reflect on the glorious, and super complicated Wizard history of the Wizard city.
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00:00 Dalaran In The War Within
00:44 Dive deeper into this story
01:13 Foundations
03:10 The Old Horde invasion
05:56 The Legion’s backup plan
09:34 The rebuilding of Dalaran
10:22 The Flying City
11:46 Faction War
14:19 Jaina’s Dalaran
14:57 Legion
16:06 The Present.
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Lorewalking: Dalaran: https://bellular.games/lorewalking-dalarans-three-deaths/
Professions in The War Within https://bellular.games/professions-in-the-war-within/
You forgot to mention that time a ragtag group of card playing criminals defeated the kirin tor and kargath and took over Dalaran in hearthstone
Its funny that you can find escaped prisoners from the violet keep now that dalaran crashed
What about the Jailer? He was one the one controlling Arthas according to Shadowlands.
More Jibberish that is basically WAHMAN show men how to save the world…….
We need a new, bigger Dalaran!
O boy, I can't wait to do laps around Dalaran again in the next expansion. Really love this city, and that its going to be our hub again just means this is gonna be yet another great expansion!
I just realized: people where hyped about Blizzard ”finally adressing that sword sticking out of azeroth” but did they really?
Dalaran became the Khadgar of wow… Ned Stark, I meant Ned Stark.
This is a REALLY SMALL nitpick and I kinda feel like a fool for even typing this, but as someone who avoids the Human race in WoW it was slightly off-putting how you used the term "we" when referring to them. Anyways awesome vid appreciate all the effort you put in!
I should have sold my mage order hall spot. Now its devalued!
dalaran is just rubish now, they will have to rebuild a new city from the ground. I think Blizz is preparing all the cities for housing, and this was another step.
"Before you play this" who plays this? Paid blizzard shills and bots only play this game.
there is no war in ba sing se

After Dalaran survived Archimonde, I realized that this city is eternal and can weather any storm
Ah lagalaran from wrath
why didn't they make Dalaran the main city? It would have fitted perfectly, lorewise and for the aesthetics. Maybe they will in Midnight, because Silvermoon is reserved for the Horde
Bald..! Bald! Bald!!!!
Jaina is a genocidal war criminal. She is just as much a war criminal as Garrosh. Accept she has yet to answer for her crimes
Way too much spoiler hinting.
Oh boy, such rich lore! I sure hope Blizzard doesn't destroy this city and kill off its leader for shock value!
I mean after the Gamescom Experience….
So you're telling me that the Kirin Tor found out Daval Prestor was Deathwing, but then when Katrana Prestor showed up in Stormwind they didn't think it was suspicious? Surely they heard about her.
16:37 SIDE EYE !!!!
Seems like the worst end boss yet from initial appearances.
Love these videos
And all this history was written within the last year. Lmfao. Why do people think this shit is good? Constantly adding lore that should have been there the entire time is peak garbage writing
And then it blowed up
Yeah Dalaran is fine
Neck minnit
It's crazy how Jaina ethnically cleansed an entire city of particular race based on what a small group of that race did.
And then Blizz plays her as a good guy.
It doesn't matter…..but you guys are the fucking worst lol
That part where Khadgar jumps the city out of Deadwind pass in Legion gives Commander Adama vibes from the Battlestar Galactica remake.
Plenty of time to soak in the lore if you didn't falter and buy "early acess"
This didn't age well
My poor city. She will be missed
Dalaran is fine, Everything is fine!
Do this watch this use these addons this channel is like a wife telling me what to do.
"In case anything happens here is history of Dalaran" Good one
I absolutely loved how you respected not giving anything away. Thank you.
Great video.
Signing up
As a Shadow Priest during Legion, all I have to say is
lmao oopsie.
Not a fan of Dalaran’s new pink mist effect
Bye Dalaran. It’s been good.
My fav city got burned to the ground, what will happen to Dalaran?
Love the lore of Warcraft
Having studied in Dalaran since before the Burning Legion showed up, I've been well aquatinted with my city and my mentor, Khadgar. He's the best of us, to be sure. I've been away for a time, helping the dragons, but I've come home, opened the door, dusted the furniture, and put my feet up with a big tome borrowed from that old wizard's favorite library. I'm sure we'll soon be back to business as usual after the dragon's going home and we'll get to study thing Khadgar has discovered.
lol who’s gonna tell everyone
Uhhhhh spoiler alert….something crazy did happen
This was a nice vid, one thing that could be added is the source in quest lines for people who want to play through the stories. For example, the Divine Bell shenanigans with Garrosh after the Theramore bombing is all in the "Landfall" campaign in MoP.
I feel like if you just slow down a little bit, then some of these story beats would have more time to sync in and it would have a deeper impact on the whole delivery. because some of these things that you’re just glancing over in a couple quick sentences are very deep and thought-provoking but by the time I’m wrapping my brain around a certain point you’ve already made two or three other points so I have to rewind the video and relisten over and over.